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房东应该有home owner's insurance。这样的事一个月前我也碰到过一回。邻居家的
树。他的保险公司把deductible 给付了。你看看那树断裂的地方是不是腐烂了(虫蛀
了)。是的话就是你房东的责任。negligence for caring his tree。除非他说这树不
树。他的保险公司把deductible 给付了。你看看那树断裂的地方是不是腐烂了(虫蛀
了)。是的话就是你房东的责任。negligence for caring his tree。除非他说这树不
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没戏。这在美国叫 act of god,房东没有责任。除非你之前发现树不行了,并且通知
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key words:
Q. Who is responsible when your neighbor’s tree falls on your house, car or
property? Should my neighbor’s insurance company pay?
A. Unless negligence can be proven, the neighbor’s policy covers his/her
house and your policy covers your house. Generally, if the tree is damaged
due to a storm, the owner would not be considered negligent.
Q. My tree fell on my neighbor’s house. Does my policy pay the damage
caused by the tree? Who pays to remove the tree?
A. The neighbor’s policy covers his/her house and your policy covers your
house. Your neighbor’s policy would also pay to have the tree removed from
his house.
Q. Who is responsible when your neighbor’s tree falls on your house, car or
property? Should my neighbor’s insurance company pay?
A. Unless negligence can be proven, the neighbor’s policy covers his/her
house and your policy covers your house. Generally, if the tree is damaged
due to a storm, the owner would not be considered negligent.
Q. My tree fell on my neighbor’s house. Does my policy pay the damage
caused by the tree? Who pays to remove the tree?
A. The neighbor’s policy covers his/her house and your policy covers your
house. Your neighbor’s policy would also pay to have the tree removed from
his house.
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N.J. tree laws: Who is responsible for a fallen tree, branch?
The unexpected October snowstorm brings about an important question: Who is
responsible for any damage caused by a falling tree?
Rules are somewhat vague. According to seattlepi.com, landowners have a duty
to prevent defective trees from posing a hazard to others. The owner has to
have notice that he should have known about a defect, but it has to be
visible and the owner is not obligated to “consistently” check for defects.
In rural areas, courts have called it too much of a burden to require a
property owner to inspect trees to determine if there is some reason they
might cause injury or property damage. Injury Board Findlay mentions an
example where a tree fell on one person’s car, but his neighbor had
previously said he needed to remove the tree because some of the branches
were dead and were falling in the other yard regularly.
That brings up the possibility of negligence. This type of case questions
whether the neighbor owes the above-mentioned duty to the man whose car was
struck by the tree. That duty comes from whether or not the neighbor had
knowledge the tree might fall, which appears to be the case since he had
stated he needed to remove it.
Law in New Jersey says that along with a negligence claim, a landowner will
be liable for damages if he had engaged in dangerous activity, which is
quite doubtful.
Treeworld.com says tree damage can also be caused by an act of God. Their
legal definition of this is an event that happens due to natural causes
occurring independently of human intervention and either could not be
foreseen, or could not be reasonably guarded against. Here they refer to a
storm, flood, earthquake, or cyclone.
Avi Frisch for NewJerseyNewsroom reported that tree damage should be covered
on someone’s homeowner's insurance generally covers tree damage. If any
damage from a falling tree is your neighbor’s fault, your best option is to
give the claim to your insurance company. They may feel it is not worth the
cost to pursue legal action against another party.
Homeowners are mainly advised to make sure they have adequate insurance
coverage and excess liability.
The unexpected October snowstorm brings about an important question: Who is
responsible for any damage caused by a falling tree?
Rules are somewhat vague. According to seattlepi.com, landowners have a duty
to prevent defective trees from posing a hazard to others. The owner has to
have notice that he should have known about a defect, but it has to be
visible and the owner is not obligated to “consistently” check for defects.
In rural areas, courts have called it too much of a burden to require a
property owner to inspect trees to determine if there is some reason they
might cause injury or property damage. Injury Board Findlay mentions an
example where a tree fell on one person’s car, but his neighbor had
previously said he needed to remove the tree because some of the branches
were dead and were falling in the other yard regularly.
That brings up the possibility of negligence. This type of case questions
whether the neighbor owes the above-mentioned duty to the man whose car was
struck by the tree. That duty comes from whether or not the neighbor had
knowledge the tree might fall, which appears to be the case since he had
stated he needed to remove it.
Law in New Jersey says that along with a negligence claim, a landowner will
be liable for damages if he had engaged in dangerous activity, which is
quite doubtful.
Treeworld.com says tree damage can also be caused by an act of God. Their
legal definition of this is an event that happens due to natural causes
occurring independently of human intervention and either could not be
foreseen, or could not be reasonably guarded against. Here they refer to a
storm, flood, earthquake, or cyclone.
Avi Frisch for NewJerseyNewsroom reported that tree damage should be covered
on someone’s homeowner's insurance generally covers tree damage. If any
damage from a falling tree is your neighbor’s fault, your best option is to
give the claim to your insurance company. They may feel it is not worth the
cost to pursue legal action against another party.
Homeowners are mainly advised to make sure they have adequate insurance
coverage and excess liability.
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