华尔街日报: 中国1% 的家庭拥有70%的财富! (转载)
华尔街日报: 中国1% 的家庭拥有70%的财富! (转载)# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
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发信人: mm028 (成都mm), 信区: Stock
标 题: 华尔街日报: 中国1% 的家庭拥有70%的财富!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Aug 28 19:47:28 2012, 美东)
According to the Boston Consulting Group. In China, where nearly half the
population is still rural, just under 1% of households control more than 70%
of the nation's private financial wealth.
Entrepreneurs who make it big and land on well-publicized rich lists in
China are more likely to draw government scrutiny, some new research shows.
That can be costly—to the business and the entrepreneur. And while plenty
of highfliers in the business elite still easily avoid this sort of problem,
the finding highlights the troubling forces at work in China's complex, and
evolving, business culture.
The unleashing of capitalist animal spirits transformed China in a single
generation, enfranchising hundreds of millions with new economic power. It
also gave rise to widespread corruption, expanded income inequality and
deepened suspicion among the masses toward the newly rich.
Just under 1% of households globally control nearly 40% of the world's
private financial wealth, according to the Boston Consulting Group. In China
, where nearly half the population is still rural, just under 1% of
households control more than 70% of the nation's private financial wealth,
BCG estimated in 2008. Surveys of public opinion regularly place corruption
and income inequality at the top of Chinese concerns.
Two factors especially feed the problem. Chinese state-owned and affiliated
enterprises—the moneymaking machinery of the Communist Party—account for
about half of China's nonagricultural GDP. That concentration of commercial
power keeps business and markets from behaving normally. Instead, the
leaders of nonstate companies often do the logical thing: They seek out
officials to trade favors.
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Agence France-Presse/Getty Images
Entrepreneurs who land on well-publicized rich lists in China are more
likely to draw government scrutiny.
Or they're connected to begin with. The Hurun Report, based in Shanghai,
tracks the nation's wealthy and calculates that there were a record 271
billionaires (in U.S. dollars) in China in 2011. A third of the top 50 and
five of the top 10 hold official political positions, the report says. "The
richer they are, the more political positions they have," it adds.
And, at times, vice versa.
"State intervention and government ownership are the causes of China's
inequality," writes Zhang Weiying, an economist at Peking University. It
encourages "official corruption and the collusion between the government and
Another problem: The well-known difficulty of getting recourse through
Chinese law.
Two professors from the City University of Hong Kong and University of
California at Irvine examined decisions made by the Shanghai Courts. When a
Chinese government agency took on a farmer, individual or company, it won
100%, 92%, and 94% of the time, respectively. When a government company
tangled with an individual or company, it won 90% and 86% of the time.
"Many entrepreneurs have given up on gaining wealth from normal business
activities," writes Andy Xie, a former Morgan Stanley economist. "Instead
they rely on cultivating special relationships with government agencies or
state-owned enterprises to gain special advantages."
Public dissatisfaction "is not about who is rich, but about how one becomes
rich," he continues. "Chinese people suspect that most riches in China are
我还以为中国1% 的家庭拥有89%的财富呢。