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从老外论坛里看目前的外F形式 (转载)# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: siliq (From 外F to mongrels), 信区: Military
标 题: 从老外论坛里看目前的外F形式
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Oct 7 16:08:53 2012, 美东)
从论坛(shanghai expat)里面节选了几个老外男人炫耀自己艳遇的帖。
Re: Rules on Taking Girls Home by superkim » Wed Sep 21, 2011 3:59 pm
Back in 2003 I had a German friend who often went to Buddha Bar on Maoming
Lu. One night he went there and:
#1) He quickly met a local girl - took her home and fcuked her. Kicked her
out. Went back to the bar.
#2) Met a second local girl - took her home and fcuked her. Kicked her out.
Went back to the bar.
#3) Met a third local girl - took her home and fcuked her. Kicked her out.
Went to sleep.
True story. And probably not that unusual either. I have told some local '
friends' this story. They never believe me. They all claim that local girls
are traditional and 'good'. Cracks me up.
#1)他很快就搭讪了一个当地女孩 – 带她回家,上了她。踢她出去。回到酒吧。
#2)搭讪了第二个本地女孩 - 带她回家,上了她。踢她出去。回到酒吧。
#3)搭讪了第三个当地女孩 - 送她回家,上了她。踢她出去。睡觉去了。
by chingiskhan » Wed Sep 21, 2011 6:23 pm
I have hundreds of stories. I could go all night, so to speak! Friend of
mine was having lunch at Carls Junior in Raffles one day with wait for it,
his wife and one year old kid. Next table are 3 hot young students, around
20 years old. Wife takes kid to bathroom. Girl says to my friend "you are
such a great father, I wish you were my father" then they exchange numbers
before the wife comes back.
by expatguy1 » Fri Sep 23, 2011 10:46 am
I have had a great deal of sucess with the Married birds here. Most of them
are so discusted by their worthless Chinese husbands they are easy targets.
All they want is good sex, someone who showers regurarly and can last more
than 2 minutes in the sack. I was recently with a housewife 2 weeks ago and
she complained that her husband always came home trashed, wanted to have sex
and blew his wad in nano seconds. Most time though we would just come home
and pass out drunk. I have had countless housewives like this. Picking up
single Chinese women is very easy as well. I Funny, when I Eat at the Y,
most of them are like, OMG, where has this been all my life..., that keeps
them comming back for more, as their worthless BF and husbands wont head
south of the border...
by chingiskhan » Wed Sep 21, 2011 5:58 pm
A friend and myself once took two girls home we met at a club. After I was
done with my girl, she asked where my friend was and I pointed to his
bedroom. She then went in to his room and shagged him. His girl just went
home. I was really pissed he got to do both and I only got one. Then there's
the girl who slept with me and two of my friends (I was the last of the
three of us) and thought we didn't know. She didn't expect we'd talk. But of
course, we did.
by jeffinflorida » Tue Dec 16, 2008 4:34 pm
Here's my dilemma: This is a true story but some names have been changed to
protect the innocent...
About 5 days ago I was walking back to my home from the nearby village
market where I brought a bag of oranges. Whilst this is not uncommon, a very
attractive girl came up to say hello and asked me if I ever go dancing at a
local club. I live in an area with 3 major universities and there are 30k+
students around so the village is always flooded with girls at all times of
the day. It was about 1pm this day. She asked me where I was from and if I
was a teacher at the school I was heading to and I said yes. I asked her
where she was going and she said the internet cafe that we walked by. I said
by and kept walking. I have had these random encounters many times, I'm
sure we all do.
Fast forward. Friday night. My steady girlfriend of 8 months is i n her room
, didn't want to come over. I am HAPPILY playing Xbox in my room, laying on
the couch. There's a knock on the door. I put some pants on ( like to play
Xbox in my Fruit of the Looms - and guess who is there! This attractive 22
year old girl. At my door.So I invite her in. She asks me if I want to go
dancing. I say no, not tonight, I am playing Xbox. So she sits on my couch
and we chat. Her English is ok. She's a 3rd year student at my school, but
not in my program. After about 1/2 hour I figure What The Hell, lets put
some moves on her. Ok no kiss, bad sign... Hands up her shirt Good sign I
ask her if its ok, she says yes. So the hands start to wander... Um the rack
is nice and not fake...
One hour later we are in my bed! Oh baby baby...
Come 11 I kind of want her to leave so I can go back to Xbox... I was
playing Call Of Duty World At War... Love to kill Nazis...
She says ok I will sleep here tonight. I say ok... Well guess what I had for
breakfast the next morning... So she leaves later on the day. I have NO
CLUE what her name is and don't have her phone number but I gave her mine. I
spend the day with my girlfriend, who is totally on the rag with her
attitude... And go back home. The next day... A knock at my door! Guess who'
s back! She comes over, spends the night yet again... This has gone on
almost every night since I met her. She comes over, watches tv, eats,
showers, does me, and either leaves or spends the night. After 5 days, I
still don't know her name or WHAT SHE WANTS. I am sure she has an angle, don
’t they all? Does she want money? A Visa? Clothes? New phone? Don’t know
yet. I can tell you she is attractive, loves to be held and cuddled, and
sleeps 14 hours a day – when she is not watching tv. What to do? I have 2
girlfriends already… Wasn’t really looking for a third. Maybe I need to
post this on a new thread…
) - 猜猜谁在门口?竟然是这迷人的22岁女孩。我请她进来,她问我要不要去跳舞我
11点钟我想让她离开了,我还想继续玩Xbox,喜欢call of duty,继续杀我的纳粹德军
Been in China for almost 6 weeks now and have "hung out" with this Chinese
girl twice.
Info about said Chinese girl- 关于她的信息。。。
Year older than me (I'm 23), she works full time at company IT translating.
Her English is excellent, sometimes she has virtually no accent. She's from
Shandong province, has never been to US.
Ok, how we met is by a jogging ad she had placed on a large China ad site.
Basically she was looking for a "jogging partner" for evenings around her
neighborhood. Me, being interested in staying in shape, replied to the ad
and basically just asked her where are some good parks to run, etc (I was
leaving for China in just a few days). So, anyways we eventually swap skype
ids and she's very welcoming and offers to meet up with me my first week in
the city (BJ I hope this is ok since this is a SH forum). Sure, she happens
to be very pretty as far as I can tell on her skype pic.
Anyway, first meeting goes pretty well; she's definitely fit, attractive (
minus the pit daddy longlegs). We didn't jog, but casually walked around
some hutongs and had no problem chatting away. We talked a bit in Mandarin
as well. The flirting didn't really escalate too much, some slight touches
on the arm and a squeeze of the biceps once. My way of "flirting" is to
crack semi-vulgar jokes and tease, which because she is almost fluent in
English she understood most of. There was definitely some chemistry.
So the 3 hour or so session ended and she said anytime I wanted to hang out
she would be up for it. Fast forward about 12 days and we agree to meet at a
popular western hangout for dinner, kind of at the last minute. Me being a
big dummy that day totally screwed up the subway stop and didnt realize it
until 45 minutes later..then my cell dies so I can't call her to say I wont
show.I apologized later that nightwhen I returned home and say if she still
wants to meet up I'd pay for entire dinner since I pretty much stood her up.
So eventually we meet up again (not exactly super convienent since we're on
opposite sides of city) a few weeks later.
Before and after dinner the touching and constant flirting was out of
control. Sure, some of it I brought on myself because hey, I sort of dig
this girl's personality, intelligence, humor and body, so I was stirring the
pot. Her hand touched/smacked my ass at least 4 different times, she put
her hand through my lush hair twice. She loves to lean into the body when
Basically, I'm pretty sure she only finds Western guys attractive, as she
told me she had an American boy friend for 6 months. Can't get a handle on
if she's looking down the road for a pass to the states, or wants a fling (
hasn't invited me up to apartment but did give me subtle clue when she told
me of new pet she got).
She's obviously not one of the types who just wants to be a house wife in
the states, though I could defintely seeing her as one of those girls who
wants to date a foreigner to show off to her friends (thus she seeks out
similar age. As for the gold digger aspect- Me, being recently graduated and
not sure if I want to try work in BJ or back in states, am not loaded in
the wallet-I think she pretty much gets this.
She says she's not a big partier, which I kinda believe..but I still get a
vibe that she very well throws herself to young good looking Western guys,
and am sure many have escalated things much quicker than I. So the next time
we plan to meet is fairly soon, and I'm definitely pushing towards being
more physically with her than I initially have been, but I'm still a bit
cautious about her. I'm not looking to bang every attractive Asian girl who
speaks good english and that I get along with, but you know, I may want to
with this one. Ever since she offered to meet me so soon upon entering the
city, it's been me who has initiated meeting up (albeit just about to be 3
times so far). She's definitely doesn't blow up my phone, which I'm not
complaining about..but it's not the usual with with interested girls. What's
your reading on this girl?
以下是从The Beijinger(北京老外的主要论坛)里面节选的一个很热门的帖子.
Why are Chinese girls so easy to...*you know*
Posted Aug 25, 2009 12:39pm by rhinox
Why are Chinese girls so easy to bang?
'Should pretty much sum it all up. Beijing is like a PARADISE for guys. And
I'm not talking about brothels/massage parlors or anything where you pay
money. It's like girls throw themselves at you at clubs, schools, bars,
classes, etc, just to experience something "different", "exotic" and "
exciting".I've gotten quite big-headed since arriving in China. I got action
back in the States, but NOTHING like China. My Chinese isn't even that good
. Can you imagine a Chinese guy in the U.S. trying to pick up chicks with
broken English?I'm by no means complaining, just wondering =P

【在 l**********r 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
: 发信人: siliq (From 外F to mongrels), 信区: Military
: 标 题: 从老外论坛里看目前的外F形式
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Oct 7 16:08:53 2012, 美东)
: 中国女人见了老外男人就裤子松早就不是新闻了,但是究竟疯狂到什么程度呢?我近日
: 大概浏览了一下外国人在中国的论坛,里面关于约会relationship的版块基本都成了外
: 国男人们炫耀自己“战绩”排行榜,大家纷纷都在晒自己最近的“艳遇”,大概看了一
: 下,一个外国男人从18岁到81岁,不论身材如何,相貌如何,在中国待一两年,上几十
: 个中国女人基本是平均数如果有心的话,睡一两百国女都是很容易的事情,(这里指的
: 不是鸡),很多都是学生,白领,有素质有相貌的中国女人。而且一分钱不用付,很多


【在 f*****m 的大作中提到】
: 这些中国女人太精明了,把年轻英俊的老外当免费的性奴,还让他们觉得自己占了多大
: 的便宜。看HBO的HUNG,底特律一个40多岁的的鸭子还要收600美刀一次,这还不包括请
: 女人吃饭和调情。



【在 f*****m 的大作中提到】
: 这些中国女人太精明了,把年轻英俊的老外当免费的性奴,还让他们觉得自己占了多大
: 的便宜。看HBO的HUNG,底特律一个40多岁的的鸭子还要收600美刀一次,这还不包括请
: 女人吃饭和调情。
