Romney疯狂诋毁中国人欺骗 美国华人形象深受影响 (转载)
Romney疯狂诋毁中国人欺骗 美国华人形象深受影响 (转载)# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
【 以下文字转载自 SanFrancisco 讨论区 】
发信人: saiholmes (saiholmes), 信区: SanFrancisco
标 题: Romney疯狂诋毁中国人欺骗 美国华人形象深受影响
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Oct 17 01:12:33 2012, 美东)
29:32 - Cracking down on China when they cheat.
44:48 - I'll crack down on China.
1:25:22 - Now, we're going to have to make sure that as we trade with other
nations that they play by the rules. And China hasn't. One of the reasons --
or one of the ways they don't play by the rules is artificially holding
down the value of their currency. Because if they put their currency down
low, that means their prices on their goods are low. And that makes them
advantageous in the marketplace.
We lose sales. And manufacturers here in the U.S. making the same products
can't compete. China has been a currency manipulator for years and years and
years. And the president has a regular opportunity to label them as a
currency manipulator, but refuses to do so.
On day one, I will label China a currency manipulator, which will allow me
as president to be able to put in place, if necessary, tariffs where I
believe that they are taking unfair advantage of our manufacturers.
1:27:40 - I know what it takes to get this to happen, and my plan will do
that, and one part of it is to make sure that we keep China playing by the
1:30:25 - China's been cheating over the years. One by holding down the
value of their currency. Number two, by stealing our intellectual property;
our designs, our patents, our technology. There's even an Apple store in
China that's a counterfeit Apple store, selling counterfeit goods. They hack
into our computers. We will have to have people play on a fair basis, that'
s number one.