在LinkedIn上也谈论football,看到一个话题,做了点儿评论 (转载)
在LinkedIn上也谈论football,看到一个话题,做了点儿评论 (转载)# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
【 以下文字转载自 NCAA 讨论区 】
发信人: GoBlue (Wolverines), 信区: NCAA
标 题: 在LinkedIn上也谈论football,看到一个话题,做了点儿评论
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Nov 12 17:46:03 2012, 美东)
Comment a Question on LinkedIn:
Is anyone else tired of hearing about the "Greatness" of Michigan football?
Football is a dumb, very expensive sport. The last game I went to I was a
junior. I left after the kickoff and never looked back. Sports have a place,
but are too big in this country at the expense of actual education.
This is a wonderful thread that brought so many alum to talk about football.
My understanding of David's topic is: do we pay too much attention to the
football and neglect the other programs?
Yes, we all see it, the budget cuts on NSF and NIH, the decrease of state
funding allocated to the public schools, etc., but it's not the fault of
football program. Rather, we should appreciate it is the football program
that maintains its prominent status during this economic hard time. It has
its market value that brings not just in revenue, but also us together, the
momentum, the hope, the perseverance and other stuff when the job is cut and
other things else at this age are downgraded. We should learn something
from this successful program, for its competitiveness in order to compete
other business sectors in the global market, for its creativity that should
inspire other area's innovation for new products and marketing, for its
turnaround when something doesn't work well, for whatever you watch on- or
off-field that can strengthen your spirit.
Everything failed has its root cause. We cannot blame the failure of economy
, the deficiency of supporting to other programs, the dire need of science
and engineering funding and many others to the success of football program.
We all know it is tax payers' money. But where does the money come from?
When the job is cut and the business is outsourced, who can pay the tax?
That's the origin of the economic crisis/downturn.
People live to survive, to entertain, to spend, and during this hard time,
it is the football program that still brings some joyful moment. Except that
people have to pay tax, it is their freedom to pay their money on football
or donate to the program. It is the responsibility of the government, the
business and the whatever areas to be profitable that they need to create
jobs, chances, attract talents, increase market share and exports, and the
like. So, blaming footfall "too big in this country at the expense of actual
education" is untenable.
I watch football from a different angle, enjoying the spirit it carries, the
competitiveness it has to face, the victories and defeats it celebrates or
has to accept and so forth. As a spectator, I respect the players'
performance, and learn from their hard work, team work and leadership, which
can inspire me from many aspects in my life. That's the meaning of watching
football. It's Great to Be a Michigan Wolverine. Go Blue!