Kevin Cramer: Same-Sex Marriage = More Crime
Kevin Cramer: Same-Sex Marriage = More Crime# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
Kevin Cramer: Same-Sex Marriage = More Crime
We haven't seen any mainstream media covering any of the more interesting
and/or ridiculous things said by the Republican candidates for the open U.S.
House seat during last week's NDGOP debate in Valley City. Coverage of the
debate, like most of North Dakota's media coverage, has been lacking. I
gotta admit I haven't watched the whole debate yet, but I have had some
folks point out some of the more interesting things said during the debate.
One is Kevin Cramer's suggestion that same sex marriage causes an increase
in crime. Here's how the exchange went:
Questioner: Kevin, I know you said before that you don't like the word "
incentives," but that's the word that was used here with some of these
questions. So along those same lines, as far as a marriage between one man
and one woman, would you also support measures to incentivize marriage, and
what kind of measures would you propose?
Kevin Cramer: Well I wouldn't punish it. That's the first thing you'd do is
not... See, again, I hate incentives because incentives somehow imply that
the government is going to impose some value on what you are doing and I've
never seen the government impose much value on anybody. So we could
certainly not punish it to begin with. Listen, it doesn't take... Even an
atheist can look around our society today and see that there has been a
degradation of our culture. Anybody can see that crime is going up in our
culture... that the breakup of the family has had a consequence. You may
have a sort of a liberal heart about some things, but the reality is that
there are real consequences to children being raised in something different
than a traditional family with a mother and a father who love each other and
are committed to each other for life.
Video Clip Here (starting at about 29:30) [Cramer's supporters have
apparently pulled the video clip; you'll have to use the following audio
Am I misreading that? To me, it's pretty clear Kevin Cramer is saying when
government stops banning same sex marriage, crime goes up. That's really
intriguing. Because if that's true, then we ought to be able to see an
obvious uptick in crime in Iowa starting on about April 3, 2009. (Reality is
, the crime index went down in Iowa between 2009 and 2010. Uh oh, Kevin;
maybe getting the government out of the business of banning marriage for
some makes the crime rate decrease! )
And if Cramer is right, we'd also really want to take a hard look at what's
going on in Western North Dakota with the massive uptick in crime in the
Bakken region. Because there has been a HUGE uptick in crime out there.
Maybe someone needs to investigate whether there are secret same-sex
marriage ceremonies out there. Maybe a lot of the oilfield workers are
coming to North Dakota from Iowa or other places that do not put a value on
non-same-sex marriages while diminishing the value -- even making up false
claims about the impact -- of same-sex marriages.
If that's the case, I want to know about it.