Re: 这个傅萍撒起谎来太牛逼了 (转载)
Re: 这个傅萍撒起谎来太牛逼了 (转载)# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: kurutoga (whatsupg), 信区: Military
标 题: Re: 这个傅萍撒起谎来太牛逼了
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jan 30 13:13:52 2013, 美东)
Not sure if this is true or not. Make your own judgement
njydj 16 hours ago
China Story on Ping Fu is full of lies. I know Ping Fu and her family
personally as we all grew up together in Nanjing University of Aeronautics
and Aerospace (NUAA).
4 big lies:
1. she was growing up in Shanghai until 1966…No, she grew up in Nanjing.
2. she was sent to children labor camp for 10 yrs when she was 8 yrs old
from 1966. Ask her when and where of such camp and find any supporting
document for it! She was among us who were remained at University campus,
young children such as her sister and myself, were boarding at University
kintergarden while parents sent away somewhere for “re-education”. Did she
bring her 4 yrs old sister to children labor camp?
She was gang raped while trying to save her 4-yrs old sister, never heard of
when growing up together.
3. she graduated from Suzhou university in English (or Chinese), different
places she said different things. She did not graduated from Suzhou Univ but
Nanjing Normal Univ. How could she graduate with English major after 4 yrs
colleges and only knew 3 English words. Do you believe it? If anyone who
learned any English date back then, he/she must have learned “Long Live
Chairman Mao”!
4. she was sent by Chinese Government for exile in US because of her thesis
on one child policy…NO, NO, NO. She came to US because of family
sponsorship, her uncle (father’s brother) was in US and sponsored her.
Her father and my father worked together in the university since 50s until
they retired, although both had passed away. It is shame to see how she
describe the univ campus where she grew up.
Ping Fu was also a “red guard” herself!
Forbes, wake up. Go to NUAA to research the truth about her!