如何培养写作能力# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
The Secret Passage Way
“It certainly is gonna be a tun of fun tonight,” Emily exclaimed
cheerfully as she stepped out of the shower.
“Just think of going there and watching TV all the time they’re looking
for us.” Eva said with a chuckle.
“But you are ready to hide in that secret room, are you? You know it might
be dreadfully dark and empty,” returned the other.
“Ah Emily, we’ve nothing to fear but that we might show everyone Mama’s
secret room.”
“It’s not that, just----- what about th--- the ghosts hidden in there? The
very thought of it gives me the shivers” and Emily shuddered on the spot.
The keys in their pockets jingled as they skipped down stairs to give their
friends a warm welcome.
“Hidingoseek, one, two, three, nose goes!” Eva cried as she touched her
nosed and ran off.
Eleanor and Emily immediately did the same and called back to their
unfortunate friend, “ 40, OK? “
Elizabeth was stunned, for she had just arrived, but she quietly counted to
forty and took off after her friends.
Meanwhile, Eva and Emily hurried upstairs to their room where their beds
covered a big stairway leading down.
“Quick, get in, quickly Emily,” cried Eva in a hoarse whisper.
“I--- I’m trying but----- this thing is locked,” Emily answered
disappointedly at the trapdoor to the staircase.
“Oh drat, we forgot the keys,” said Eli pulling out a full chain of keys
that clanked together.
The two worried girls were at it before they blinked and making a big bustle
, stepped downwards.
It was dark and dreary down that staircase, and cobwebs hung here and there.
The wind made a whooo whooo sound and Emily shuddered inspite of the tug
Eva gave her.
“I--- I didn’t know it would be like this,” Eva whispered.
The girls traveled some great distance before Eva nervously grabbed
Emily’s arm in terror and whispered, “Listen.”

In the dark the girls could hear a faint, “Heh, hih, heh.” The voice
sounded scratchy and old, but at the same time soft and familiar to the
Emily screamed in fear, and the voice stopped to listen. The girls froze
and didn’t dare to move until a forth person approached them in the dark.
This person obviously proved to be timid little Elizabeth who had meekly
went upstairs suspicious of the noisy commotion.
“This place is bery dark and cweepy and deserted an--- and I almos dink
it’s gasly and uneartly,” Elizabeth said softly and tiptoed closer to her
“Ahahh----- you thieves, intruders, you criminals, yo--- “
The lights flickered dimly in the dark as the mysterious old woman
turned the switch.
“Grandma!” Eva exclaimed in pure amazement.
They were up the secret passage in a minute and downstairs in another.
Meeting Eleanor exhausted from crouching beneath the table, all four girls
pleaded for and explanation.
“Well,” began the old lady, “It all began like this, I was really
bored on having to read the newspapers all day, so I says to myself, ‘Why
not go get me the old chessboard down there?’
Well, you know your Mother really forbids me from doing anything down there,
so I felt guilty and skittish, but I couldn’t help it----- after all it’s
left alone. So I went to your room and went down that staircase, but I was
mighty particular on locking that trapdoor. I have to say I, even I’s holly
scared of the dark. But I tell you I’s more frightened than ever when you,
” pointing at Vici accusingly, “screamed and scared me to death. But you
know it from there and I needn’t say I’s never gonna go down there again.”
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