这两个小偷真倒霉,去的两家人都有枪 (转载)
这两个小偷真倒霉,去的两家人都有枪 (转载)# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
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发信人: lczlcz (lcz), 信区: USANews
标 题: 这两个小偷真倒霉,去的两家人都有枪
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Mar 31 00:22:41 2013, 美东)
North Carolina Woman Fights Off Two Male Intruders with Pistol
Bryan Preston
Do you think these two Carolina thieves would have broken into this house,
in broad daylight, if they believed that a) anyone was home, and b) whoever
was home was also armed?
An Elm City woman shot at two men who broke into her home on Tonya Road
Friday morning, her husband told WRAL News.
Chris Griffin said his wife, who had stayed home sick from work, heard a
noise around 11 a.m. and then saw two men outside her house. When she heard
them start kicking in the back door, she hid in the bedroom closet with a
cellphone and a pistol.
The men ransacked the house, and when they opened the closet door, she
fired at them, Griffin said. One man was struck, authorities said.
The men fled, and neighbor Wayne Crumpler said he heard them yelling for

The wounded man then started toward Crumpler’s house.
“He started in this direction. I stepped inside and got my revolver,”
he said. “I told him to hold it.”
The man then ran into the woods, Crumpler said.
They were eventually caught and now face charges. One of them is just 16
years old. Neighbor Wayne Crumpler sounds like a good man.
“She was lucky she knew how to use a handgun and lucky she had it.
Because If she hadn’t, we might be going to a funeral,” he said. “I’m
proud of her.”
Was it luck, or forethought and preparation?
Two firearms just saved at least one life and helped take two criminals off
the streets, at least for a while.
Andrew Coyle · Top Commenter · N. Illinois
This is one possible scenario that turned out favorable. I can think of more
1. The boy also has a gun. Surviving his gunshot wound, he shoots and kills
the woman, then is wanted for murder.
2. The woman, shoots and kills the boy. The boy was a friend and classmate
of her teenage son. She has to go to court to prove her self defense. The
family is there too. Later, she gets hit by a drive-by shooting.
3. The woman points the gun at him, tells them to get out with a phone in
her hand while she calls the cops. They leave and nobody gets hurt. 4. She
keeps hidden upstairs. Realizes it's a break in and calls the police. They
keep going through her stuff. They leave. Cops later track them down and
arrest them. Her values are returned.
5. The kid with the gun sees the neighbor come out with a gun. He shoots and
kills the neighbor before he can point the gun.
These scenarios could go on forever. But my point should be obvious.
Jim Harvey · Top Commenter
But you neglected the point about if the Government had given these boys
some money and training and housing and decent food, they might not have had
to resort to a life of crime because of the subjugation of white people
over them for the last 400 years. I mean that is SO OBVIOUS!!!


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: 【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
: 发信人: lczlcz (lcz), 信区: USANews
: 标 题: 这两个小偷真倒霉,去的两家人都有枪
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Mar 31 00:22:41 2013, 美东)
: North Carolina Woman Fights Off Two Male Intruders with Pistol
: by
: Bryan Preston
: Do you think these two Carolina thieves would have broken into this house,
: in broad daylight, if they believed that a) anyone was home, and b) whoever
: was home was also armed?
