谁有给外媒的电邮模版--zt# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
As an Chinese citizen, I am here writing to you to call international
attention to the poisoning case of Zhuling which happened in China in 1994.
Due to complex political reasons, this case remains unsolved and the ONLY
suspect, SunShiyan is still at large.
Back to November 1994, symptoms of intoxication, including alopecia and
abdominal pain appeared on ZhuLing, a junior majoring in Physical Chemistry
in Tsinghus University. Zhu received treatment in Beijing Xiehe hospital,
but pathogenesis was not diagnosed. Zhu went back to college with unhealed
body and lived in her dormitory until March 1995, when the disease severely
deteriorated and she was sent to Xiehe hospital again. At THAT hospital, Zhu
was in a coma for 5 months and her doctors failed to recognize the true
toxicant. After Bei Zhicheng, Zhu’s classmate , sent E-mails to overseas
medical experts for help, Thallium compound was widely suspected and then
confirmed to be the toxicant. However, due to the delay of treatment, Zhu’s
nerves were irreversibly damaged and severe sequelae were left to her
permanently. The level of intelligence of Zhu was equivalent to that of 6-7
year-old children.
After police investigation, ZhuLing was confirmed to be poisoned more
than twice, which narrowed down the searching range to her roommates. Sunwei
(now named as SunShiyan), one of Zhu’s roommates, was supposed by police
to be only suspect because she was the only student who was able to get
Thallium from chemistry lab. Sun then went through an 8-hour police trial.
Information from insiders showed that Sun has confessed her crime of
poisoning ZhuLing. However, due to the political position of Sun’s
grandfather, SunYueqi, and Sun’s uncle, SunFuling, Sun was released right
after the trial. Weird enough, Beijing police then stopped investigation and
this case has been unsolved for 20 years.
The suspect, SunWei, was deprived her degree from Tsinghua University.
Her family made great effort to send her overseas by illegally changing her
name and faking her ID card. After several times of refuse, Sun immigrated
to U.S.A by marrying an American citizen. In 2005, she posted a statement on, a major Chinese online forum, claiming that she was innocent.
However, E-mails between Sun and her former roommates was gained by hackers.
These E-mails recorded how they discussed the strategy to control public
opinions, to prove their innocence and to prepare for the worst.
As netizens continue to investigate this case actively, more evidence
leading to truth has been uncovered. We, Chinese citizens, strongly suspect
that SunWei (now named as SunShiyan) was the criminal who poisoned ZhuLing
19 years ago. We, people who fight for justice, strongly call for re-
investigation into ZhuLing’s poisoning case and the punishment of criminals
. Because of political reasons, we cannot rely solely on Chinese media and
police force. We hope wider attention to Zhu’s case will help bring the
truth and justice.