【向美国国土安全部DHS举报孙维用假身份申请移民】# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
1. 在II.Violator Information里面选other, 在下面框中写“Disguise Identity/
Identity fraud”
在The This complaint involves a下面选择中间的:individual
2. 在The information about the individual下面写:First name:Shiyan;Last
4. Have you previously submitted this information to any law enforcement or
government agency?
5. 简述孙维的违法行为:Please provide a summary of the criminal activity:
Shiyan sun AKA Wei sun, jasmine sun has used false DOB in her application
documents to the INS. She changed her birth date from 8/10/1973 to 10/12/
1973. One of the reasons she did that is to cover her identity as the only
suspect of a poisoning case in Beijing in 1995, which caused her roommate,
ling zhu to be paralized and almost blind for the last 19 years. Please
investigate why Ms. Sun use a false birth date since her possible criminal
background could cause danger to the community here in the US.
Sun's previous ID number:110102197308202342 (corresponding name: Wei Sun)
Sun's forged ID number:110102197310122405(Corresponding name: Shiyan Sun)
You can check for more information about the poisoning case that Sun was involved in.
1. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) 移民局 此链接中找如下:
Fraid Detectopm & National Security Directorate
GreenCard for an Immidiate Relaive of a U.S. Citizen
Terrorism-Related Inadmissibility Grounds (TRIG)
Refugees & Asylum (备用)
2. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) HSI Tip Form
3. Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau(PSHSB)国土安全
4. – Securing America’s Borders (CBP) 边防
5. Internal Revenue Services (IRS) 国税局
6. Boston Police Department
7. Office of the Attorney General Boston
8. Boston Municipal Court Department
9. Travel.State.Gov
10. 美国驻华大使馆领事馆(BJ SH CD)
模板亦可用CNN iReport上这一篇写得不错(如下)
Education For Life – a tragedy, not a story
21 years ago, in September 1992, Zhu Ling, a vivacious Beijing girl, started
her college life in Tsinghua university, arguably the best University in
China. Two and half years later, on April 28 1995, the girl was confirmed a
victim of Thallium poisoning, lying in ICU ward unconsciously after
suffering excruciating pains. She was the subject of a murder case. The date
happens to be the official anniversary of Tsinghua university, an important
day for all alumni to thank the institution for their education.
18 years have gone by and Zhu Ling is still alive, only barely. She became
paralyzed completely with permanent nerve and digestive system damages. She
is now a 40 years old blind woman with IQ equivalent to a 7 years’ old, her
good looks, memories and talents are all gone. For more of Zhu Ling’s
current situation, check out this YouTube video made by volunteers Her parents have been fighting against all odds, hanging on the only hope that one day, the murderer will be brought to justice.
And it has turned out to be a group of murderers most likely. The email
hacking of the primary suspect in year 2006 has provided an essential twist,
in which she-who-cannot-be-named led the conversation with a group of girls
, most of them shared the dorm with Zhu Ling back then. The conversation was
about how to divert the public attention without leaving any evidence for
Zhu Ling’s friends and family, in case some day they will have to face
court. The girls exchanged action plans and even jokes, as if they were
working on a final year project.
The primary suspect had the motive, the reach to the deadly chemical, the
chance to drop the doze - for twice as confirmed by technical analyses, she
was suspiciously involved in the theft of Zhu Ling’s personal belongings,
and was summoned for police questioning in year 1997. The case against this
primary suspect had been however mystically closed due to undisclosed
reasons, while it is public knowledge that she came from a prestigious and
powerful family, with strong political connections reaching to the members
of politburo.
Year 2013, it was time again for Tsinghua-ers to celebrate the institution's
glory and achievements, little wonder that there is no place for Zhu Ling.
Netizens however, has launched a frenzy propaganda: “the human flesh search
”, to locate the group of suspects who have unveiled themselves in the
hacked emails. Surprisingly Zhu was hated by this group for making the
following unforgivable mistakes: returning dorm too late, making too much
noise, and consuming hot water from other's thermal flasks. The group had
arguably then came to the decision of adding a special ingredient into Zhu's
education, Thallium.
For myself and many others about the same age of Zhu Ling, the cruelty of
her fate is many folded: that young (and supposedly intelligent) girls could
take other's life so lightly, that they have refused to repine, that people
involved - and there are quite a number of them - have all been muted by
the “system”, that the omnipotent “system” has been backing up the
accused murderers as if they were a group of heroes.
“Thank you all for not killing me” has since become the social norm to
greet our ex-classmates over social media across mainland China. Unlike Zhu
Ling, we have survived the education system. Together with her, we are
calling for the re-opening of investigation, the date of judgment, the final
truth. Until that day comes, never ever forget Zhu Ling.

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: Re.