Well said, Michael !# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
Michael N.
NYT Pick
As this drama unfolds, I'm beginning to like this Snowden character more and
more and our government less and less. For years, we have been granting
political asylum to dissidents from Russia and China and ignoring their
government's request to extradite them. With the shoe now on the other foot,
our leaders are suddenly stunned to learn that Russia and China have
ignored their request to extradite our "dissident". Well, what did they
expect? Let bygones be bygones?
Just a couple of weeks ago, our leaders were accusing China of hacking into
our defense computer system. Now we found out our government has been doing
the same thing on a bigger scale to friend and foe alike. Now China is
giving us lectures on the subject. Talk about sudden role reversal. Judging
by the way our leaders relentlessly persecute this one individual and by
their strident and unapologetic defense of this domestic surveillance
program, they are proving to us they have more common with their Russian and
Chinese counterparts than with our founding fathers.
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