Round-table discussion about "KILL Jimmy Kimmel"
Round-table discussion about "KILL Jimmy Kimmel"# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
HOST: "Hello, everyone. Today, we are going to discuss a recently emerged
serious issue: Jimmy Kimmel in ABC promoted genocide to the whole American
society. What do you think about it?"
Kid A: "Well, I suppose it was just a joke. He was trying to be sarcasm.....
Kid B :"HOLD ON! That is NO joke for me, boi! He is an adult. He cant just
move his lips and say anything about killing. That is really bad for the
whole community, especially kids! He must be fired and apologize!"
Kid C: "I agree with B. I suggest we kill Jimmy Kimmel. We can hire some
snipers or assasins to kill him secretly. Nobody would ever know......"
HOST: "Kill Jimmy Kimmel? hahahahahahahahahahahhaaa.......................
That is an interesting idea!!!!! But then, we will not see his comedy shows
ever again"
Kids A, B and C: "Oh..........."
HOST: "Shall we allow Jimmy Kimmel to live?"
Kid C (shouted): "NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ps ------ "A" does not necessarily mean American, neither for B as Black,
nor C as Chinese.
pps ------- my previous post was actually a part of this drama show.
What? You would not seriously possibly believe that we are going to kill
Jimmy Kimmel, would you? This is a joke. I was trying to be sarcasm! Why
didn't you Americans get it? Geez!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The show is over. Hope you enjoy.
BTW, I signed for both petitions, and distributed links through facebook and
Chinese mail list. I wish I could be there to join you guys in the protest.
I will do whatever I could to support it. ----- a bigkid
it is an interesting idea.