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写了封抗议信,大家看看往哪里寄好? (转载)# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: Tianzi (Sun Scracher), 信区: Military
标 题: 写了封抗议信,大家看看往哪里寄好?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Nov 2 13:02:00 2013, 美东)
Enough is enough
Say NO to racism against Asians
Nowadays, Racism is a dirty word in the US. Rarely would someone openly yell
racial slurs, or make racial pranks and jokes in public against people from
most ethnic groups. But there is one exception: Asians have been easy
targets much more often than any other races. Let us look at a few examples.
There are people, like the recent Grand Pix motorcycle champ Marc Marquez,
who wear a T-shirt with a chink-eyed yellow-skinned face. There are similar
halloween masks for sale on market. Those are annoying, but rare, at least
from my personal perspective. Most Americans I met are friendly and warm-
hearted. Some could be the best people in the world. As a immigrant, I have
received a lot of help from my American friends and coworkers, as well as
some strangers who never left their names. I feel I am indebted to these
good people and I should contribute my share to help people in this society
who are in need as well.
What really bothers me is the image of Asians in American public media. For
example, you rarely see a good Chinese male character in any American movies
– if you have spotted one by chance please let me know. Quite opposite,
even today in the 21st Century, Chinese men are still almost always pictured
as cowards or villains, nerds or goons, ugly and weird, who would never won
the heart of a beautiful woman, no matter what her ethnic background is.
And then, there is the recent Jimmy Kimmel's kids table show, in which a kid
yelled "kill everyone in China" as a solution not to pay back the debt.
I have to say when I was watching the show I was a little amused at first.
But wait a second, I remembered I am a Chinese myself – this says how
people interpret so-called jokes often depends on whether they are the ones
being joked about. If you think "kill everyone in China" to avoid paying
debt is funny, most likely you are not a Chinese, not because you have a
better sense of humor. In this show, Chinese is picked on by the mass media
again. People from the Chinese community are angry for a good reason. We
are not merely angry over this show. We are angry because of the frequent
Chinese bashing or China bashing. We are angry because of the frequent media
ridicule and harassment of Asians. Enough is enough! It is the 21st Century
. It's time to say NO to racism against Asians. It's time for the US public
media to denounce any form of racism against any races.