大家来听听,一个老黑在湾区反jimmy集会上的即席演说 (转载)
大家来听听,一个老黑在湾区反jimmy集会上的即席演说 (转载)# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: sammamish (sammamish), 信区: Military
标 题: 大家来听听,一个老黑在湾区反jimmy集会上的即席演说
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Nov 3 01:20:38 2013, 美东)
Jethroe Moore, NAACP - San Jose/Silicon Valley Branch
I was glad to be here today... I would say I would be glad to be here today
if I was here to celebrate with you the moon festival, I could say I would
be glad to be here today if I was to celebrate the Chinese new years, but I
have gather here today to deal with another racist practice of somebody on
national television is a shame.
Lao Tzu said "Respond intelligently even to unintelligent treatment". And I
am telling you it is time to respond to him intelligently even though he has
acted unintelligently.
Anyone who has been in state of California should know something about the
Chinese history -? the exclusion of Chinese people, and the treatment that
American, and Californian particularly have treated Chinese people. So for
ABC and Jimmy Kimmel to allow this to go out on National Television, is a
shame and a embarrassment not only to state of California, but to American
as a whole.
A Chinese proverb says, "A man's conversation is the mirror of his thoughts"
. Jimmy, we know how you think, we know how you feel about people of color.
That was displayed by this sensationalism in television you've used over
the last month and half, one with Kanye West and a black thing going just a
month and a half ago. So in order to keep his ratings, he used this cheap
form of television in order to entertain some guest.
Teaching kids to hate has long been an American issue. Kids are not born to
hate, they are taught how to hate. His show demonstrates how hatred got
trained. With all the lately gun violence in the country, for him to talk
about killing people, is a shame.
In this history of the exclusion in California, those of us that know about
Peter Burnett, former governor here, who did not build California here for
Chinese, Mexicans or Blacks. We are dismayed at this continued celebration
of that type of rhetoric in California.
The kid segment should been cut and taken out or not even done at all. I
stand with this community here in Santa Clara county, and throughout the
state, to do whatever is necessary, to bring Jimmy Kimmel and ABC's
production of television like that, that is disgraceful to America and to
this country, off the air.
Again, there is not one blade of grass, there is no color in this world,?
that is not intended to make us rejoice.? Regardless nationality, ethnicity
or creed, or sexuality you may be, we are all part of the same race, and
that's the human race.
Everybody gets up in the morning, wanting their kids to have a safe day,
want to go to work and come home and provide for their family, are the basic
human needs. Every American citizen and any human being is entitled to that
, so we stand against anybody who teaches hate or wants to produce any type
of hatred that goes on the air, and that goes from Radio to Television and
to the Internet.
And again, I stand with you, anything I can do, Kansen, my brother, just
calling me, I am there.