鬼子把中国女人骂惨了 (转载)
鬼子把中国女人骂惨了 (转载)# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: AustinDuoduo (通吃岛小小牛), 信区: Military
标 题: 鬼子把中国女人骂惨了
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Dec 17 22:51:39 2013, 美东)
watchoutfortheseyellowsluts says:
December 17, 2013 at 10:06 pm
Yes Asian women in general have no morals and that’s not news.They pretend
to be innocent when they are actually with no morals.They will spread their
legs easily,especially if the men is White.They pretend that White men are
the ones with a yellow fever when it’s actually them who are obsess with
White men.
Some of them will married any ugly White men in the hope of having White
babies.I think karma is funny because most of the time these babies looks
more chinky than White.
They get these stupid White losers by playing sweet,innocent while dating.
Once they are married with children these sluts turned into possessive,crazy
women.Watch the difference of these men faces.When they are dating the men
is smiling because they are playing that sweet Geisha role.Now the ones who
are married to the chink sluts usually looks unhappy as if these losers got
duped by these yellow whores. Yes they are manipulative,materialistic,
conniving,soul less whores with no morals.
Lets not forget these women tend to be very jealous towards White women (
especially blonds) because most wish they were White.Never trust these
whores around your men even if they are supposed to be your friends. Lol
even the ones who are college educates are whores as well. They will sleep
their way to the top, example the woman who is married to Les Moonves. Look
at how that slut who is married to Rupert Murdoch,see how she replay the
women who have help her? Yep that’s how most them are.
This is why I don’t understand why Americans think Asians are some sweet.
nice people.I got the media portrayal of Asians is where most Americans got
If majority of Americans lived in Asia their views of Asians would have
changes drastically.
Asians are a bunch two faced,sneaky,soul less,barbaric people who will stab
you in the back with no problem.
Asians in term of slant eyes should not be trusted,especially the women.
The biggest,easiest ,ugly sluts in the planet.
Haha many non-Asian women should start sleeping these sluts White husbands.
There is nothing worse that hurt a yellow sluts when their White husbands
leave them for a non-Asian woman, especially if it’s a beautiful blond
White woman.
The funny thing is they are all chasing White men in desperation but the
divorce rates amongst these two loser group is extremely high.
So don’t be fooled by the media lies on how these women are sweet because
they are not.
Many of these White men learns that the hard way after they married them.
Read the nightmare stories of foreign White men who goes to Asia.
If White men were smart ,most would stay away from.
Lets not forget that most of these women are also mentally unstable.
They go real crazy when these White men wants to divorce them.
So lady your husband will get his Karma with this slut and he realized that
he have made a mistake.She’s sweet now ,letting him poke her in every hole
but she will changed if he marries her. She will leaves him once she get
that green card might even become hostile.

【在 y*f 的大作中提到】
: 这个鬼子的英文好烂。

保不齐就是跟susan couner 一样的外f 被另一个外f 抢了老公

【在 t***t 的大作中提到】
: 觉得是下室索男冒充鬼子写的。

【在 y*f 的大作中提到】
: 这个鬼子的英文好烂。