非法移民美国境内想乘飞机被抓,民猪党李渤肉表示愤慨 (转载)
非法移民美国境内想乘飞机被抓,民猪党李渤肉表示愤慨 (转载)# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
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发信人: lczlcz (lcz), 信区: USANews
标 题: 非法移民美国境内想乘飞机被抓,民猪党李渤肉表示愤慨
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jul 16 14:36:02 2014, 美东)
Jose Antonio Vargas: The Face of the Entitled Illegal Alien
Michelle Malkin | Jul 16, 2014
They've blown it again, big time. They just can't help themselves.
During the Bush years, the open-borders movement won over bleeding hearts in
the White House but alienated the American public with radical displays of
La Raza ("The Race") militancy, desecrated American flags and Che Guevara
shirt-wearing, fist-thrusting marches across the country.
Left-wing public relations consultants taught the amnesty mob to tone it
down, turn the flags right-side up and stop threatening Reconquista. But the
phony red-white-and-blue dye job didn't last. The movement's true extremist
, entitled roots can't be concealed for long.
On Monday, leading illegal-alien journalist turned activist Jose Antonio
Vargas engaged in a foolish stunt that will backfire on him and his allies
in the media and Hollywood and on Capitol Hill. An openly defiant law-
breaker who proudly calls himself "the most privileged undocumented
immigrant in the country," Vargas traveled to Texas with a film crew to
commune with illegal aliens surging across the border.
But on his way out of the Rio Grande Valley, the former Washington Post
reporter and Pulitzer Prize winner was detained at the McAllen, Texas,
airport by Customs and Border Patrol. He was attempting to clear security
and board a flight without legally required U.S. identification.
No surprise: Vargas initially made it past the buffoons at the TSA.
The media-savvy amnesty agitator telegraphed the stunt beforehand in a piece
for Politico. He hyped sympathetic coverage from the liberal Huffington
Post. He tweeted a photo of his Philippine passport and a pocket
Constitution, which he audaciously presented to authorities in lieu of valid
And then Vargas' publicity minions captured and tweeted the exact moment
when he was handcuffed, looking shocked and aggrieved that federal law
enforcement officers would actually -- gasp! -- enforce the law.
An illegal-alien Icarus, Vargas had been riding high after movie theaters
and CNN aired his biographical, pro-illegal immigration documentary. His
amnesty activism is backed by the progressive Tides Center, a project of
George Soros and former ACORN chief organizer Drummond Pike. To his elite
friends in the no-borders industry, he's a "hero."
Journalists, celebrities and politicians immediately swallowed the
propaganda bait, rallying to their privileged pal's side. "#DontDeportJose,"
they all cried in an orchestrated Twitter campaign.
Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of law-abiding people from around the world
are waiting patiently for their backlogged visa and green card applications
to be reviewed.
Vargas' outraged reporter friends don't have much sympathy for those would-
be Americans. Or for the Americans who've dedicated their lives to
protecting homeland security and upholding our laws. Vargas' enablers jumped
to condemn the CBP employees in McAllen for doing their jobs and demanded
that he be freed from "unfair" and "out of hand" detention, as one
hysterical Roll Call reporter put it.
Unfair and out of hand?
As I've noted previously, Vargas came here from the Philippines as a child,
but knowingly broke multiple laws as an adult in order to stay in the
country. After being supplied with a fake passport with a fake name, a fake
green card and a bogus Social Security number, he committed perjury
repeatedly on federal I-9 employment eligibility forms. In 2002, while
pursuing his journalism career goals, an immigration lawyer told him he
needed to accept the consequences of his law-breaking and return to his
native Philippines. He ignored the counsel and instead used a friend's
address to obtain an Oregon driver's license under false pretenses. It gave
him an eight-year golden ticket to travel by car, board trains and airplanes
, work at prestigious newspapers, and even gain access to the White House --
where crack Secret Service agents allowed him to attend a state dinner
using his bogus Social Security number.
The Vargas stunt will backfire because it is a smug and emblematic middle
finger to everyone outside the D.C.-Manhattan bubble who believes in
following the rules. As legal immigrant Asoka Samarasinghe wrote to me on
Monday, "Michelle, this guy is a slap to the face of all us legal immigrants
and citizens."
As for "due process," celebrity illegal alien Vargas will undoubtedly get
more bites at the immigration court and federal appeals apple than law-
abiding citizens will ever enjoy (see Zeituni Onyango).
But the sob-story violins play on. Democratic New York Mayor Bill de Blasio
sanctimoniously tweeted Monday afternoon: "I stand in solidarity with
journalist and advocate (Vargas). He exemplifies what America is about."
Only if "America" means protecting leftist elitists from the consequences of
their reckless, arrogant actions.