爱钱者必读:You never negotiate Salary in phone interview (转载)
爱钱者必读:You never negotiate Salary in phone interview (转载)# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
【 以下文字转载自 JobHunting 讨论区 】
发信人: meiguolaotu (美国老土), 信区: JobHunting
标 题: 爱钱者必读:You never negotiate Salary in phone interview
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jul 29 10:07:08 2014, 美东)
爱钱者必读:You never negotiate Salary in phone interview
(美国老土写于 2009-04-30 09:30:19)
"How to negotiate salary increase during phone interview? They only offer 60
% of my last job, and told me they could not go up any more during the first
phone interview. Thanks."
-- HR Golden Rule: Whoever mention the salary number first, who is the loser.
-- When they ask salary questions during a phone screening interview, their
purpose is not give you that salary, they are trying to screen you out.
-- If you have a job, you want jump to a higher salary, you ask salary, stop
at there if the salary number they give is too low.
-- Otherwise, you postpone the answer about salary questions, or you ask HR
and let him/her tell you what is the salary range for this position.
-- Two stages of a job hunting process:
1) sell yourself;
2) negotiate salary and everything (after you know they are going to hire
you, or , better have a offer in hand.)
Please read many of my previous posters about salary negotiation.