中美旅游商务签证将延长至10年有效# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
In what White House officials described as a "game-changer," President Obama
on Monday announced a new visa deal with China designed to boost both
countries' travel and tourism industries.
Under the new agreement, short-term tourist and businesses visas for those
traveling from the U.S. to China or vice versa will now be valid for 10
years. Previously they were valid for just one year.
The two nations also will begin issuing student visas valid for five years
rather than one, officials said.
"In terms of the U.S.-China bilateral relationship, this is a game-changer,"
said Evan Medeiros, senior director for Asian affairs at the National
Security Council.
The new visa policy aims to take advantage of China's status as the fastest-
growing tourism market on earth. Administration officials said 100 million
Chinese travel abroad each year, but last year only 1.8 million visited the
The White House says the new visa agreement will draw as many as 7.3 million
Chinese travels to the U.S. over the next seven years.
The U.S. will begin issuing the new visas on Wednesday.
In a speech at the Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Beijing, Mr.
Obama said Chinese President Xi Jinping was instrumental in finalizing the
"I've heard from American business leaders about how valuable this step will
be. And we've worked hard to achieve this outcome because it clearly serves
the mutual interest of both of our countries," Mr. Obama said. "So I'm
proud that during my visit to China, we will mark this important
breakthrough, which will benefit our economies and bring our people together
, and I'm pleased that President Xi has been a partner in getting this done.