前NBA球星巴克利如此说......# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
Watch: Charles Barkley Just Dropped A Ferguson Truth Bomb, And Many Will
Hate Him For It
“The notion that white cops are out there just killing black people..."
Avatar of Tom Hinchey TOM HINCHEY — DECEMBER 3, 2014
CNN’s Brooke Baldwin spoke with former NBA star and sports commentator
Charles Barkley about the situation in Ferguson, Missouri, after the grand
jury decision not to indict Officer Darren Wilson in the self-defense
shooting of Michael Brown. Barkley defended his recent comments about
calling looters “scumbags.”
“When you’re looting people’s property, that’s what you are. It’s
against the law. It’s not your property. You wouldn’t want people to do it
to your house.”
Barkley supports the rights of people to protest peacefully because “that’
s what this country was built on.”
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“But to be burning people’s property, burning police cars, looting people
’s stores, that’s one hundred percent ridiculous.”
Charles gave praise to the men and women in blue who protect our communities.
“The notion that white cops are out there just killing black people, that’
s ridiculous… Cops are actually awesome. You know they’re the only thing
in the ghetto from, between this place being the wild, wild west.”
Barkley is no stranger to police run-ins. He was pulled over for suspicion
of DUI in Scottsdale, Arizona, back in December 2008, yet he still
acknowledges they have a difficult job to do.
“There’s some black people out there who are crooks. And when the police
come to your neighborhood, it’s a tense situation. The only time you
interact with the cops is when things are going wrong… We, as black people,
we got a lot of crooks. We can’t just wait until something like this
happened. We have to look at ourselves in the mirror. There’s a reason they
racially profile us at times. Sometimes it’s wrong, but sometimes it’s
right. So, to sit there and act like we hold no responsibility for some of
this stuff, that’s disingenuous.”
Ms. Baldwin asked the retired basketball star if Obama could be helpful in
calming the tension in Ferguson. Barkley said that these racial tensions
attract the same “sad characters.”
“Every time something happens in the black community, we have the same cast
of sad characters. We don’t have to have Al Sharpton go there… But we
have the same sad sack of black characters. We need some strong black men in
St. Louis to stand up and say, ‘Hey, let’s handle this situation.’”