老中在美国的孩子无一幸免:沐浴gay教育 (转载)
老中在美国的孩子无一幸免:沐浴gay教育 (转载)# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: beijingren (to thine own self be true), 信区: Military
标 题: 老中在美国的孩子无一幸免:沐浴gay教育
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Dec 29 10:48:30 2014, 美东)
Major corporations funding “gay” indoctrination in elementary schools
across America
The national program, called “Welcoming Schools”, skillfully works on the
minds of young children in three ways:
(1) Introducing the concept of homosexuality to children.
(2) Telling them that homosexuality is normal and natural.
(3) Telling them that their parents or friends who portray homosexuality in
a less than positive way are bad people – intolerant, bigoted, etc.
The “Welcoming schools” website has even posted a video that describes
their program and shows how effective these psychological techniques are in
molding young children’s minds.
As MassResistance has reported, major US corporations are enabling this
through large donations to the radical national LGBT group Human Rights
Campaign (HRC). HRC created and runs the Welcoming Schools program and has
representatives in regions around the country pushing it in elementary
Of particular concern and outrage was the recent arrest of HRC’s founder
and current Board member, Terry Bean, for “third degree sodomy” of a 15-
year-old boy. HRC has had no comment on that incident, but it continues a
vicious campaign of harassment against pro-family leaders with whom it
disagrees. But this has not deterred corporate donations to HRC in any way
that we can determine.
Among the vehicles they use to bring this into the schools are the “anti-
bullying” laws which the national LGBT movement lobbied heavily for in
states across the country over the last several years. As MassResistance
warned at the time these laws, which were largely written and/or influenced
by LGBT groups, invariably have little to do with legitimate anti-bullying
behavioral science. Instead they require schools to provide LGBT “diversity
training” and mete out punishment for “anti-gay” opinions or discussion.
Not surprisingly, nothing is said to kids about the extensive medical and
psychological dangers of homosexual behavior, including a range of diseases,
addictions, domestic violence, and other social pathologies.