Proud to be an Asian whore! (转载)
Proud to be an Asian whore! (转载)# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: cccpwx (騽,雙羽四足), 信区: Military
标 题: Proud to be an Asian whore!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jan 2 02:30:50 2016, 美东)
I have never been happier in my entire life than the moment I was freed from
my chink husband, never been happier, than the moment when I can finally be
who I really want to be.
My chink husband had oppressed me for all those years, trying to make me
into something that I was not, that he desired, and he never asked what I
really wanted.
He, out of his narrow-minded Asian tradition and male-chauvinist pig Asian
ideology, wanted me to be chaste, obedient, and virtuous, but Asian women
need to be free! Asian women are no longer your slaves! Asian women need to
be proud whores! Asian women have the need to express our sexuality just as
much as men are. All Asian women are proud to be whores.
We are no longer ashamed. Being a whore has made my life so much happier.
I love being a whore. All Asian women who have the courage to defy Asian
tradition and slavery of the mind will find at the bottoms of their hearts
that they all want to be whores! It is a wonderful joy to be called an asian
whore, and it is a marvelous orgasm to be fucked like a little yellow whore
. I am proud, very proud, and I am unashamed, to say: that I am a happy
asian whore for White cocks for I have nothing to lose other than my chains,
which asian men have used for thousands of years to enslave me, to repress
asian women’s sexuality, to keep me away from my White liberators. Finally,
at last, I am free! I am free! Free at last! Asian women are all free at