好了,我们回顾一下川普这悲惨的一周吧 (转载)
好了,我们回顾一下川普这悲惨的一周吧 (转载)# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: tumblr1 (tumblr1), 信区: Military
标 题: 好了,我们回顾一下川普这悲惨的一周吧
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Oct 3 20:42:17 2016, 美东)
So, let's recap:
* 1) Claimed he won the debate after polls confirm it was one of the worst
performances in modern American history
* 2) Blamed his debate "victory" on a bad Microphone
* 3) Called into a morning show to call former Miss Universe Fat
* 4) Asked me to watch a sex tape in a late night Twitter rant
* 5) violated the Cuban Embargo
* 6) had his tax documents realeased by the New York Times, revealing be
paid no income tax for eighteen years
* 7) Said Hillary cheated on Bill
* 8) Did an impression of her having pneumonia
* 9) threatened to sue the NY times
* 10) has his charity declared a fraud and shut down by New York
* 11) lost 8 points in Rasmussen, 6 points in Reuters, 6 points in Fox News
and is collapsing in Colorado, NH, and Virginia
* 12) did business with an Iranian bank under international sanctions in
violation of US law
* 13) said soldiers who suffer PTSD aren't strong.
I am pretty sure, that if we score each of these based on how bad they are
for his candidacy, and solve for the equation, we yield g = 9.81 m/s^^2.