无恶不作的google# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
google 一句流传很广的名言是 不做恶(Don't be evil.)
到底 google 是不是如它所说,看看最近的新闻吧。
In the case of Google, according to new research by security analyst Samy
Kamkar, an HTC Android phone collected its location every few seconds and
transmitted the data to Google at least several times an hour. It also
transmitted the name, location and signal strength of any nearby Wi-Fi
networks, as well as a unique phone identifier.
Google acknowledged today that it collects location information from Android
devices, but downplayed concerns about privacy by saying the information is
not "traceable to a specific user."
That claim, it turns out, depends on the definition of "traceable."
According to detailed records provided to CNET by a security researcher,
Android phones regularly connect to Google.com and disgorge a miniature data
dump that includes time down to the millisecond, current and recent GPS
coordinates, nearby Wi-Fi network addresses, and two 16-letter strings
representing a device ID that's unique to each phone.
Requesting cell phone location information from wireless carriers has become
a staple of criminal investigations, often without search warrants being
sought. It's not clear how often legal requests for these records have been
sent to Google and Apple, or whether the companies have required a judge's
signature on a search warrant, the most privacy-protective approach, or
settled for less.
The Android device ID can be tied to a person without a minimum of number-
crunching, said Kamkar, a onetime hacker with a colorful past. Google can
determine that "this is probably their home address because they're there at
3 a.m. every single day," he said. And "this is probably their work address
because they're there between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. every day."
有很多data analyst, 他们知道如何从这些data里获取最大利益。
Google Inc. and Apple Inc. collect and store location information from
personal computers, as well as mobile devices, according to company
executives, a disclosure that sheds new light on the scope of the data
collected by tech companies.
Apple gathers information from some Apple Macintosh computers connected to
Wi-Fi networks, and Google collects data from Wi-Fi-connected computers that
use Google's Chrome browser or search "toolbar."
They obtain the information after a computer scans the area around itself
for available Wi-Fi networks, typically after users give a website
permission to determine the computer's approximate location.
看看,Google甚至连PC也不放过,所有用Chrome browser 和 search "toolbar."的人,
Earlier in the day, Gawker reported that David Barksdale, an engineer in
Google's Seattle offices, used his position as a key engineer evaluating the
health of Google's services to break into the Gmail and Google Voice
accounts of several children. After parents of the children complained to
Google, Gawker said Barksdale--who was not accused of anything with sexual
overtones--was dismissed, and Google confirmed that move late Tuesday.
2010 and again more recently, Google blocked Microsoft’s new Windows Phones
from operating properly with YouTube.
Unfortunately, Google has refused to allow Microsoft’s new Windows Phones
to access this YouTube metadata in the same way that Android phones and
iPhones do. As a result, Microsoft’s YouTube “app” on Windows Phones is
basically just a browser displaying YouTube’s mobile Web site, without the
rich functionality offered on competing phones. Microsoft is ready to
release a high quality YouTube app for Windows Phone. We just need
permission to access YouTube in the way that other phones already do,
permission Google has refused to provide.
所以,Google的不做恶应该改为 无恶不作 才对.
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