卖国是一种真本事?# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
刚ebay了一个free 3G的,没搞清楚那个whispernet到底收不收费?
因为没有wireless, @free.kindle.com不能用.
我原来用的KB3 wireless, 只能用free 的, 现在搞不懂了.
No Wireless Contract, and No Wireless Fees
No monthly wireless bills, data plans, or commitments. Amazon pays for
Kindle DX's wireless connectivity so you won't see a wireless bill. There is
no wireless setup -- you are ready to shop, purchase and read right out of
the box.
See the Wireless Terms and Conditions for your Kindle for more information:
Kindle DX (Free 3G) Wireless Terms and Conditions
Kindle DX (U.S. Wireless) Wireless Terms and Conditions
Kindle Personal Documents Service
Fees for the Kindle Personal Documents Service via Whispernet are based on
the size of the file submitted (before compression if you use a .zip file),
your country, and where you're accessing Whispernet. Personal documents
service fees will only be charged for documents that are successfully
delivered to your Kindle device via Whispernet. Personal documents service
fees are rounded up to the next whole MB and apply to each personal document
delivered via Whispernet to each Kindle device.
For Kindle DX users living in the United States, the Kindle Personal
Documents Service fee via Whispernet is $ .15 per megabyte while inside the
United States and $.99 per megabyte when traveling outside the United States
说了不收费的啊,free for life

刚ebay了一个free 3G的,没搞清楚那个whispernet到底收不收费?
因为没有wireless, @free.kindle.com不能用.
我原来用的KB3 wireless, 只能用free 的, 现在搞不懂了.
No Wireless Contract, and No Wireless Fees
No monthly wireless bills, data plans, or commitments. Amazon pays for
Kindle DX's wireless connectivity so you won't see a wireless bill. There is
no wireless setup -- you are ready to shop, purchase and read right out of
the box.
See the Wireless Terms and Conditions for your Kindle for more information:
Kindle DX (Free 3G) Wireless Terms and Conditions
Kindle DX (U.S. Wireless) Wireless Terms and Conditions
Kindle Personal Documents Service
Fees for the Kindle Personal Documents Service via Whispernet are based on
the size of the file submitted (before compression if you use a .zip file),
your country, and where you're accessing Whispernet. Personal documents
service fees will only be charged for documents that are successfully
delivered to your Kindle device via Whispernet. Personal documents service
fees are rounded up to the next whole MB and apply to each personal document
delivered via Whispernet to each Kindle device.
For Kindle DX users living in the United States, the Kindle Personal
Documents Service fee via Whispernet is $ .15 per megabyte while inside the
United States and $.99 per megabyte when traveling outside the United States

【在 gw 的大作中提到】
: 有人用这个吗?
: 刚ebay了一个free 3G的,没搞清楚那个whispernet到底收不收费?
: 因为没有wireless, @free.kindle.com不能用.
: 我原来用的KB3 wireless, 只能用free 的, 现在搞不懂了.
: No Wireless Contract, and No Wireless Fees
: No monthly wireless bills, data plans, or commitments. Amazon pays for
: Kindle DX's wireless connectivity so you won't see a wireless bill. There is
: no wireless setup -- you are ready to shop, purchase and read right out of
: the box.
: See the Wireless Terms and Conditions for your Kindle for more information:

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