Re: 请NT的大虾指教...Re: 想用4G的内存,4-8 PROCESSERS,HOW CAN I DO?Re: How to edit the booting menu?Re: urgent question!Re: 如何将目录加到 PATH 里去?Re: Win2k下怎么设置开机自动启动程序?Re: WinNT 4.0 WorkStationRe: 双显卡在Win2K下的问题,求救!!!怎样不让windows media player自动播放cd?Re: 急!急!紧急求助!--ABOUT MS PROXY 2Re: 请问WIN98上装WIN2000咋弄啊???Re: 几个win2k pro的问题请教Re: [转载] does win2000 supprot US.Robotics v.90 Modem?Re: Shell_NotifyIcon fail---win2k总是跳出这个窗口?Re: ADOBE ACROBAT READER 4找不到“黑体”怎么办Re: 注册表使用实例(八) 兼问....Re: 哪里有中文之星输入法 for Windows 2000?Re: split long file and put them togetherRe: 重装Windows98问题Re: 怎样给win2000重新分区?