FAT32 -> FAT16 won't casue problem for WIN98.
make sure the partition <= 2.1G, which is the largest FAT16 supports.
The problem is if you move partitions, disk labels (C: D:..)
usually are changed. Some software won't work for changed path.
If you only use 98/NT, not Linux or sth. The safe way is to
convert the firt partition to FAT16, install NT and 98 both
on this partition, then let NT Loader choose which OS to boot.
I believe 精华区 should have lots of articals on this issue.
For personal use,
Yes, convert C:\ to FAT-16 using pqmagic. If the original size is too large
,resize it after defragging.
NTFS is much better than FATxx if you really want to use NT seriously(if not,
why not 98 only). And NT has a disk manager which can assign driver letter
on the fly, so there won't be problem evne if your NT partition is not the
first of the last. You can assign it.
And It is advisable to leave C:\(FAT-16) as large as possible(of course, <2G)
beause you can install some program that can be run

【在 r*r 的大作中提到】
: FAT32 -> FAT16 won't casue problem for WIN98.
: make sure the partition <= 2.1G, which is the largest FAT16 supports.
: The problem is if you move partitions, disk labels (C: D:..)
: usually are changed. Some software won't work for changed path.
: If you only use 98/NT, not Linux or sth. The safe way is to
: convert the firt partition to FAT16, install NT and 98 both
: on this partition, then let NT Loader choose which OS to boot.
: I believe 精华区 should have lots of articals on this issue.
: For personal use,

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