[转载] 关上可恶的后门-消除NetBIOS隐患(转)Re: 请问如何在win2kpro下禁止某个UDP端口的访问?Re: 救我!!!Re: 请问如何为装windows ME的机器设开机密码 Re: win2k+linux?怎样最简单?Re: 怎么把 Windows Start -> RUN 的HISTORY 清除? 谢!Re: how to setup hibernation?Re: win95上网问题Re: 困惑不解的COPY问题[转载] msdos.sys参数详解(转)Re: ask a question about IE browserRe: A silly problem!Re: how to make my computer run fast?Re: 怎样才能打印汉字?Re: 各位如何在windows下作eps文件?Re: 请交,我忘了被IE记住的密码,能否密码找回来啊?就是那些********,谢了Re: help:computer can't find CDRW and printer after upgrading to Win2KWay to make two Users to share one profileRe: Win2k server + NJStar + Cterm,无法输入中文。。:(Re: IE5.0老记录username和psd