WM MJ 七对攻略 2 -- build your hand to 5 pairs
WM MJ 七对攻略 2 -- build your hand to 5 pairs# WmGame - 未名游戏
when you start with 2-3, you can have your option open to whether continue 7
pair or convert to normal hu.
Here are the principle I usually follow:
1. Keep hun yi se (mixed single color) as an option
if you have feng and other cards, but one color has more than other two and
you have a pair in that color, then throw away the other two colors first.
This way, you keep hun yi se as an option and there may be a chance you get
hun 7 pair (mixed 7 pairs).
2. observe the table to keep those cards that only one is already out
this is a tricky one. In WM MJ, because of a bug, whenever there is a pair
out there and someone throw away one card, the game will pause a bit. Now
you know there are already 3 cards out. You should throw away yours too
because that is the fourth. But if there is no pause, one card is out, you
have one, there are two left. You have a good chance to get one of those two
. AND, when the person who throw away that card get that card again, he
might throw it out as well, good information for you, right?
Be careful though, the masters in WM MJ all know this trick and some times
they use this to their benefit. So whenever you see masuka/ths/torch/yjhxl
on the table, keep in mind that they may keep the second card after they
already throw the first.
Hun 1 se 7 P sometimes is easier than hun 1 se only.
But addiction to hun 7 P is no good. Better keep flexible and have a
balanced set of singles to make pairs. All depends on what is out there.
Many times u will waste the pairs if sticking to hun 7 P.