无奇不有Re: H1搬家是否要通知INS今天去律师那里问申请GC的事情The living expense of major US citiesRe: Help! 有H1期间回国的吗?Re: 伤心呀How to get more than 100%?I never saved any money after my Ph.D graduationStill so hard to find job or investmentRe: 诸位既然是H1,为什么还要到加墨签证呢?[BM] Re-mark postsRe: 请问加州H1BRe: F2学什麽好呢?Re: It depends on your experience and life goal Re: How do you guys save money?Re: visa visamy first working day in the US给大家讲个故事你会怎样?[转载] 对家乡北京的第一印象工作一年半 -- overtime