Should I report a cheating coworker?
Should I report a cheating coworker?# Working - 上班一族
Currently I am working as a subcontractor on a government project. One company
won the bid and subcontracted the project to 8 subcontractors. One indian guy
was brought in last month as a expert on Vignette (A content management
system). It turned out this guy didn't know too much about it while getting
extremely salary. His payrate is like $120/Hour up to 50 hours a week.
But he isdoing something very fishy to establish his reputation. Our web site
needs to connect to Vignette using Vignette cl
No brainer. You definitely need to let the company know about your finding.
However, do not link this with your pay and your opinion on this guy. Simply
show them the code and the result. The point of doing this is not to get
another $50/hr but establish your reputation. If they have another job in the
future, you have a strong negotiation point to start with.
But have do say stick to the technical part of it. Do the improvement the guy
is going to do and show the company the result. Basically t

【在 b******s 的大作中提到】
: Currently I am working as a subcontractor on a government project. One company
: won the bid and subcontracted the project to 8 subcontractors. One indian guy
: was brought in last month as a expert on Vignette (A content management
: system). It turned out this guy didn't know too much about it while getting
: extremely salary. His payrate is like $120/Hour up to 50 hours a week.
: But he isdoing something very fishy to establish his reputation. Our web site
: needs to connect to Vignette using Vignette cl
