unless you can work from home for both jobs, otherwise it'll be hard. you still need to communicate with other ppl to get the work done. it may be just a few emails or conf calls a day but it'll be tough if you're physically in another client's office. you may get by for a short period of time, but not for the long term. 白天出去玩,晚上加班吗, no way. once i was doing this part time, i worked from home on mon. and fri., and got a lot of "free" time to burn, so i picked up another "job". one fri. morning, my boss called me to resubmit my time card due to some system errors, i was at a remote place and had no access... bang, luckily my buddy covered for me. another time, i was called in for a last minute critical meeting in the afternoon, while i was busy working on another thing . small hassles like these add up to your frustration and make you doubtful whether it's really worthwhile. one guy i knew got caught for abusing this working from home deal, he was in the army and worked on another full time job too, once found, he got discharged with bad record. it might work for you but be very cautious.