职场EQ养成记# Working - 上班一族
0 Vitality and Grit
从哪里跌倒,从哪里爬起来。Let it go, but try everything.
1 Branding and reputation, track records
Keep up great work with high standards, because it is your own brand and
Work ethically for your resume and your track records, not for anybody or
anything else.
2 Mentor and sponsor
A great mentor is an empathetic leader who coaches your career and fits your
personality. A mentor works closely with you day to day.
A sponsor is like a mentor, but does not work with you day in and day out. A
sponsor could be your upper skip level, or in another department. A sponsor
can promote your brand when chances come.
3 Networking and connections
People, people, people.
Among 3 people, there must be someone whom I can learn from.
Learn how to communicate well before how to get things done.
4 Initiative and ownership
The difference between a lead and a rookie is about execution: can you take
the initiative and ownership and drive the project to succeed?
5 Motivation and drive
Can you fill your own and your teammates’ psychology needs?
6 Consistency and endurance
It’s a marathon, not a sprint. So pace well!
7 Shine, not shy!
How many “excuse me” and “sorry” have you said every day? Have you
noticed how many your male peers have said?
We, as a professional woman, don’t need to say that when we express our
opinions at work. Shine, not being ☺️
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