3 楼
XML 的特点用 HTML 也是可以实现的, 把 XML 用的简单一点儿和 HTML 几乎相同.
XML 和 HTML 主要是 major 不同:
XML major in data representation
HTML major in data presentation
【在 f*******h 的大作中提到】
: XML: data representation
: HTML: data representation mixed with presentation
: Both XML and HTML are a subset of SGML.
: HTML + XML -> XHTML (HTML in XML syntax)
XML 的特点用 HTML 也是可以实现的, 把 XML 用的简单一点儿和 HTML 几乎相同.
XML 和 HTML 主要是 major 不同:
XML major in data representation
HTML major in data presentation
【在 f*******h 的大作中提到】
: XML: data representation
: HTML: data representation mixed with presentation
: Both XML and HTML are a subset of SGML.
: HTML + XML -> XHTML (HTML in XML syntax)
4 楼
Then why say 'Tomorrow Star of WWW (as the board name)'?
Why make up something sounds totally different rather then enhance HTML?
What is the relationship between XML and web services?
In other words, is XML essential for utilizing web services?
【在 w*********n 的大作中提到】
: 说到底其实没有什么区别.
: XML 的特点用 HTML 也是可以实现的, 把 XML 用的简单一点儿和 HTML 几乎相同.
: XML 和 HTML 主要是 major 不同:
: 就象小胖鱼说的:
: XML major in data representation
: HTML major in data presentation
Why make up something sounds totally different rather then enhance HTML?
What is the relationship between XML and web services?
In other words, is XML essential for utilizing web services?
【在 w*********n 的大作中提到】
: 说到底其实没有什么区别.
: XML 的特点用 HTML 也是可以实现的, 把 XML 用的简单一点儿和 HTML 几乎相同.
: XML 和 HTML 主要是 major 不同:
: 就象小胖鱼说的:
: XML major in data representation
: HTML major in data presentation
5 楼
XML and HTML is for totally different purpose.
HTML is for display on browers, and most likely that is its only working field
XML is for transfer data. Browers is only one for its usage
It is just a name. May be not quite suitable from some point of view
my 2 cent about this question is as above
No directly relationship. Web services is only one(quite popurlar field) for
Definitely not. Actually, consier XML is dealt with data, it is more
closer to database instead of www browers.
【在 vi 的大作中提到】
: Then why say 'Tomorrow Star of WWW (as the board name)'?
: Why make up something sounds totally different rather then enhance HTML?
: What is the relationship between XML and web services?
: In other words, is XML essential for utilizing web services?
: Thanks.
HTML is for display on browers, and most likely that is its only working field
XML is for transfer data. Browers is only one for its usage
It is just a name. May be not quite suitable from some point of view
my 2 cent about this question is as above
No directly relationship. Web services is only one(quite popurlar field) for
Definitely not. Actually, consier XML is dealt with data, it is more
closer to database instead of www browers.
【在 vi 的大作中提到】
: Then why say 'Tomorrow Star of WWW (as the board name)'?
: Why make up something sounds totally different rather then enhance HTML?
: What is the relationship between XML and web services?
: In other words, is XML essential for utilizing web services?
: Thanks.
6 楼
there are a lot of xml books, y not read one?
one of them is pretty good, <> by Charles Goldfarb
【在 vi 的大作中提到】
: Then why say 'Tomorrow Star of WWW (as the board name)'?
: Why make up something sounds totally different rather then enhance HTML?
: What is the relationship between XML and web services?
: In other words, is XML essential for utilizing web services?
: Thanks.
one of them is pretty good, <
【在 vi 的大作中提到】
: Then why say 'Tomorrow Star of WWW (as the board name)'?
: Why make up something sounds totally different rather then enhance HTML?
: What is the relationship between XML and web services?
: In other words, is XML essential for utilizing web services?
: Thanks.
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