韩国踩踏事件导致至少153人死亡!| 英语咖啡馆

韩国踩踏事件导致至少153人死亡!| 英语咖啡馆



At least 153 people died in a crush during Halloween celebrations in Seoul, the capital of South Korea. Another 82 were injured and the city has reportedly received thousands of missing-person reports. The president, Yoon Suk-yeol, promised to thoroughly investigate the cause of the tragedy, which took place in the Itaewon district, a popular area for nightlife.

Brazilians are going to the polls in a tense run-off presidential election. The contest between the right-wing incumbent, Jair Bolsonaro, and his left-wing opponent, the former president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, is expected to be close. Mr Bolsonaro beat expectations in the first round earlier this month. About 120m people are expected to vote.

Widespread protests against the governmentcontinued in Iran, despite a warning from the regime’s Revolutionary Guards on Saturday that the demonstrations must end. Thousands of students and others were confronted by police firing tear-gas and live rounds. The protests were sparked by the death of Mahsa Amini after she was arrested by police for wearing an “improper” hijab on September 13th.

At least 68 people died when a suspension bridge collapsed in the western Indian state of Gujarat. About 30 were also injured. The tragedy happened in the town of Morbi. The bridge had been closed for renovation for six months and had only recently been reopened to the public.

The EU encouraged Russia to reverse course after it withdrew from a deal allowing grain exports from Ukrainian ports. Russia claimed that Ukrainian drones had attacked ships from its Black Sea Fleet taking part in the initiative. On Friday António Guterres, the UN’s secretary-general, had urged that the agreement, which was reached in July and is due to expire next month, be extended.

Two car-bombs killed at least 100 people in Mogadishu, Somalia’s capital, said Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, its president. The attack came as Mr Mohamud, his prime minister and other officials met to discuss combating violent extremists—in particular, those of al-Shabab, a jihadist group affiliated with al-Qaeda. No one immediately claimed responsibility for the blasts. An al-Shabab truck-bomb at the same place in 2017 killed more than 500 people.




巴西人将在紧张的第二轮总统选举中进行投票。右翼执政者Jair Bolsonaro和他的左翼对手、前总统Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva之间的竞争预计将非常激烈。博尔索纳罗先生在本月早些时候的第一轮投票中击败了预期。预计将有大约1.2亿人投票。

尽管伊朗革命卫队周六警告说示威活动必须结束,但广泛的反对政府的抗议活动仍在继续。数以千计的学生和其他人遭到了警察的催泪弹和实弹射击。9月13日,马赫萨-阿米尼(Mahsa Amini)因佩戴 "不当 "头巾而被警察逮捕,此后她的死亡引发了抗议活动。


在俄罗斯退出允许从乌克兰港口出口谷物的协议后,欧盟鼓励其改变方向。俄罗斯声称,乌克兰的无人机袭击了其黑海舰队参加该倡议的船只。周五,联合国秘书长安东尼奥-古特雷斯(António Guterres)敦促延长7月达成的、将于下个月到期的协议。



多数为年轻人,韩国踩踏事故已致151人死亡惨剧!至少129人死亡!周末发生重大踩踏事件,2名警察当场身亡悲!美国20岁交换生在韩国踩踏事件中死亡!一加拿大公民受伤韩国踩踏事件已致153死!多名澳人亲睹恐怖一幕,悉尼女子遭挤压惨死街头韩国踩踏事件,越挖越心惊!!韩国踩踏事件,打脸了无数公知韩国踩踏事件背后,公共安全的疏忽与不足突发!首尔踩踏事故已致151人死亡!4名中国公民遇难!踩踏现场“堆叠了5到6层人”,伤亡者中20多岁的年轻人居多韩国踩踏事件已致153死!四名中国人遇难!多名澳人亲睹恐怖一幕,悉尼女子遭挤压惨死街头(视频/组图)龙卷风健康快递 208州政府本周开始发放数十亿美元的退税款;韩国万圣节发生踩踏事件,至少153人死亡韩国踩踏事件的启示:少凑热闹,万一遇到这样自救遗产(4)在中东赚大钱的老板夫人韩国踩踏事故已致149人死亡;英国否认参与破坏“北溪”管道;iPhone15Pro或取消物理按键;《三体》动画定档丨邦早报突发!韩国153死踩踏事故补助方案出炉!另一场世界性踩踏惨剧正悄然发生…抢个小屋一一厨房装修〈一〉一个人的徒步,900公里法国之路+世界尽头:D43~途经圣地亚哥韩国踩踏事件死亡达153人,主要死因为“创伤性窒息”韩国梨泰院踩踏事故153人死亡!而悲剧发生后,他们依然在狂欢梨泰院踩踏事故153人死亡!而悲剧发生后,他们依然在狂欢哀悼!韩国踩踏事故已致153人死亡,其中4位中国公民4名中国同胞遇难!亲历者曝光韩国踩踏事件惊悚内幕!中国留学生亲历韩国踩踏事件:人叠着人,“拔都拔不出来”恐怖!万圣节派对惊传踩踏事件!至少146人死亡150伤!(视频)韩国踩踏事故已致153人死亡,若在现场如何自救?震惊!韩国踩踏事故已149人死亡,逾50人心脏骤停!卡米拉乘飞机遭鸟撞击!民航局宣布喜讯…韩国首尔发生踩踏事故,至少146人死亡韩国梨泰院踩踏事故是如何发生的?如何才能避免踩踏事故?韩国踩踏事件凶手找到了? 3休假美军死里逃生称"到处是尸体"! 遇上人踩人怎自救?韩国踩踏事故已造成151人死亡韩国踩踏事件幸存者讲述:我身边的矮个子女生,站着就咽气了…突发!韩国爆特大踩踏事故,至少151死82伤!已有四名华人遇难!生还华人回忆恐怖经历:眼看人死在我旁边...机会欲望韩国踩踏事件,背后隐藏的大料!!你们自己看