当地时间14日,巴黎奥组委公布2024年奥运会和残奥会的吉祥物“弗里热(The Phryges)”。弗里热是法国传统的弗里吉亚帽的拟人化形象,在很多人熟悉的《蓝精灵》动画片中,蓝精灵戴的便是弗里吉亚帽。两个弗里热的形象分别代表2024年巴黎奥运会和2024年巴黎残奥会。这是2024年巴黎奥运会和残奥会吉祥物“弗里热”。新华社发(巴黎奥组委供图)With just over 600 days to go until the opening of the next Olympic and Paralympic Games, the official mascots of Paris 2024 have been revealed.Now it’s time to meet the Phryges, the mascots for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, who have been tasked with an important mission: to show the world that sport can change everything and that it deserves to play a major role in society.
11月14日,巴黎奥组委主席埃斯坦盖与吉祥物合影。新华社记者高静摄11月14日,吉祥物在发布会上亮相。新华社记者高静摄Phryges (pronounced fri-jee-uhs) are small Phrygian caps, which represent a strong symbol of liberty, inclusivity and the ability of people to support great and meaningful causes.The Olympic Phryge is triangular in shape, and comes with friendly smile, blue eyes, tricolor ribbon and big colored sneakers,with the golden Paris 2024 logo emblazoned across their chests. The Paralympic version features a prosthetic leg that goes to the knee.纵观奥运会吉祥物的诞生和发展史,1968年格勒诺布尔冬奥会首次引入了象征奥林匹克精神、宣传主办城市历史和文化的吉祥物。至今为止,吉祥物除承载上述职责外,还肩负着奥运会期间娱乐大众的任务。巴黎奥组委主席托尼·埃斯坦盖表示:“对奥林匹克运动来说,吉祥物是非常重要的一个部分。他们将运动会与人民紧密地联系在一起,在赛场内外为营造良好的奥运氛围、盛大的节日气氛,创造了非常大的价值。”Ever since Shuss, a red, white and blue mascot on skis, appeared at the Olympic Winter Games Grenoble 1968, mascots have been fun and festive ambassadors of the Olympic Movement."The mascots have always occupied a special place in the history of the Olympic and Paralympic Games," said Paris 2024 president Tony Estanguet. "They form the emotional bond between the Games and the people, contributing to the atmosphere and festive spirit in the stadiums and other Olympic venues."组委会在现场介绍,他们希望通过这次的吉祥物,传递出体育具有改变一切的力量这样一种信念。希望在人类发展过程中,体育能发挥更大的社会价值。从15日起,巴黎2024官方特许商品旗舰店将开始售卖吉祥物相关的纪念品。
Organizers said they want to deliver the idea that sport can change everything and that it deserves to have a leading place in the society through the mascots."It's time to bring sport into our everyday lives - all sports and every way of experiencing sport - through participation and encouragement," Paris 2024 said in a statement.Licensed products of the mascots will be available from Nov 15 at the Paris 2024 official store.