投资巨头|TEMASEK 2024实习生计划已开,不限专业,在校生可投
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招聘要求 …
开放职位:2024 Temasek Associate Internship Programme
工作地点:New York
项目描述 …
The Temasek Associate Internship Programme is a structured 12-week summer programme for penultimate year students. You will be working closely with one of our teams in the Investment Group in either New York or San Francisco and be fully immersed in the Temasek culture.
Designed to nurture young talents, our comprehensive training programme will help you develop highly relevant skills and knowledge that you will be able to apply throughout your internship, with key responsibilities and opportunities including:
Potential involvement in investment projects and ongoing transactions with your team
Conduct comprehensive and in-depth company and industry research
Exposure to investment processes and network of industry relationships
Networking events to build meaningful connections with fellow senior management, colleagues and interns
Structured training sessions ranging from technical skills to soft skills
We believe in providing ongoing performance feedback and evaluations to facilitate your continuous development, and we aim for this to culminate in your conversion to join us as a full-time Associate in summer 2025.
任职资格 …
We are accepting applications from undergraduate or postgraduate student (with no full-time working experience) graduating in winter 2024 / summer 2025 with the following qualities:
Passionate about investing and curious to expand your knowledge about the investment world
Strong analytical and quantitative skills, with the ability to effectively formulate and articulate opinions
High level of interpersonal, presentation and written communication skills
Ability to work well within diverse teams and collaborate across multiple stakeholders
Well organised with good time-management skills and able to manage multiple priorities
Intellectual curiosity and ability to use initiative
Self-starter, driven and motivated, and embraces the Temasek MERITT Values
…then you might be just who we’re looking for!
We welcome applicants from every degree subject. There will be additional financial training if you join with a non-finance background (e.g. Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) - so you can be assured that you will have a good foundation before kickstarting your internship journey.
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