时薪30-45美元, 中文文案/编辑兼职

时薪30-45美元, 中文文案/编辑兼职

We are looking for a skilled freelance Chinese copywriter who also has editing and transcreation skills.
This is an opportunity to become a part of our extensive resource network and to work with this, and other clients. Our ideal candidate has experience in writing about business and human resources for blogs and social media.
This is an on-going project. The selected copywriters may need to be available to meet for an initial onboarding. Time spent meeting with the client will be compensated for using your hourly rate.  Onboarding with our team will be held in English, but that they will sometimes receive direction from the client in Mandarin.
Usually, you will receive a translated copy of an English article that already exists on the clients website site, and will be asked to incorporate requested changes from the client. These changes could involve adding/removing sections to better suit the WeChat audience. Sometimes, the client may ask for edits to the copy in order to achieve a more appropriate tone. Occasionally, you will be asked to produce content from scratch to be posted on the clients WeChat channel. The topic of the blog post will be provided by the client/Wordbank, but the resource will be asked to fill in the blanks.
We will require at least 2 relevant writing samples from all candidates in order to move them forward.


群内留言 文案 @小助理 即可申请


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