




在联合签署人当中,图灵奖得主 Yoshua Bengio、伯克利计算机科学教授 Stuart Russell、特斯拉 CEO 埃隆·马斯克、色列网红历史学家uval Noah Harari、苹果联合创始人 Steve Wozniak 等在内的数千名对人工智能领域关注的学者、企业家、教授。




当前的人工智能系统在一般任务上变得与人类有竞争力,[3]我们必须问自己:我们应该让机器在我们的信息渠道中充斥着宣传和不真实吗?我们是否应该把所有的工作都自动化,包括那些有成就感的工作?我们是否应该开发非人类的大脑,使其最终超过我们的数量,胜过我们的智慧,淘汰我们并取代我们?我们是否应该冒着失去对我们文明的控制的风险?这样的决定绝不能委托给未经选举的技术领袖。只有当我们确信强大的人工智能系统的效果是积极的,其风险是可控的,才应该开发。这种信心必须有充分的理由,并随着系统的潜在影响的大小而增加。OpenAI最近关于人工通用智能的声明,指出 "在某些时候,在开始训练未来的系统之前,可能必须得到独立的审查,对于最先进的努力,同意限制用于创建新模型的计算的增长速度"。我们同意这一点,现在该是行动的时候了。


人工智能实验室和独立专家应利用这一暂停,共同制定和实施一套先进的人工智能设计和开发的共享安全协议,由独立的外部专家进行严格的审计和监督。这些协议应确保遵守这些协议的系统是安全的,没有合理的怀疑。[4] 这并不意味着暂停人工智能的总体发展,只是从危险的竞赛中退后一步,避免发展出以不可预测的黑箱模型为基础,并具有突然爆发能力的人工智能。



  1. 专门针对人工智能的新的和有能力的监管机构;

  2. 对高能力的人工智能系统和大型计算能力池的监督和跟踪;

  3. 帮助区分真实和合成并跟踪模型泄漏的来源和水印系统;

  4. 强大的审计和认证生态系统;

  5. 对人工智能造成的伤害的责任;

  6. 对人工智能安全技术研究的强大公共资金;

  7. 以及设立资源丰富的监管机构,以应对人工智能将导致的巨大的经济和政治破坏。

人类可以通过人工智能享受一个繁荣的未来。在成功创造出强大的人工智能系统之后,我们现在可以享受一个 "人工智能之夏",在这个夏天,我们收获了回报,为所有人的明确利益设计这些系统,并给社会一个适应的机会。社会已经暂停了对社会有潜在灾难性影响的其他技术。[5] 我们在这里也可以这样做。让我们享受一个漫长的人工智能夏季,而不是在毫无准备的情况下匆忙进入秋天。


Bender, E. M., Gebru, T., McMillan-Major, A., & Shmitchell, S. (2021, March). On the Dangers of Stochastic Parrots: Can Language Models Be Too Big?🦜. In Proceedings of the 2021 ACM conference on fairness, accountability, and transparency (pp. 610-623).

Bostrom, N. (2016). Superintelligence. Oxford University Press.

Bucknall, B. S., & Dori-Hacohen, S. (2022, July). Current and near-term AI as a potential existential risk factor. In Proceedings of the 2022 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society (pp. 119-129).

Carlsmith, J. (2022). Is Power-Seeking AI an Existential Risk?. arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.13353.

Christian, B. (2020). The Alignment Problem: Machine Learning and human values. Norton & Company.

Cohen, M. et al. (2022). Advanced Artificial Agents Intervene in the Provision of Reward. AI Magazine, 43(3) (pp. 282-293).

Eloundou, T., et al. (2023). GPTs are GPTs: An Early Look at the Labor Market Impact Potential of Large Language Models.

Hendrycks, D., & Mazeika, M. (2022). X-risk Analysis for AI Research. arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.05862.

Ngo, R. (2022). The alignment problem from a deep learning perspective. arXiv preprint arXiv:2209.00626.

Russell, S. (2019). Human Compatible: Artificial Intelligence and the Problem of Control. Viking.

Tegmark, M. (2017). Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. Knopf.

Weidinger, L. et al (2021). Ethical and social risks of harm from language models. arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.04359.


Ordonez, V. et al. (2023, March 16). OpenAI CEO Sam Altman says AI will reshape society, acknowledges risks: 'A little bit scared of this'. ABC News.

Perrigo, B. (2023, January 12). DeepMind CEO Demis Hassabis Urges Caution on AI. Time.


Bubeck, S. et al. (2023). Sparks of Artificial General Intelligence: Early experiments with GPT-4. arXiv:2303.12712.

OpenAI (2023). GPT-4 Technical Report. arXiv:2303.08774.


Ample legal precedent exists – for example, the widely adopted OECD AI Principles require that AI systems "function appropriately and do not pose unreasonable safety risk".


Examples include human cloning, human germline modification, gain-of-function research, and eugenics.


Yoshua Bengio, University of Montréal, Turing Laureate for developing deep learning, head of the Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms

Stuart Russell, Berkeley, Professor of Computer Science, director of the Center for Intelligent Systems, and co-author of the standard textbook “Artificial Intelligence: a Modern Approach"

Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX, Tesla & Twitter

Steve Wozniak, Co-founder, Apple

Yuval Noah Harari, Author and Professor, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Andrew Yang, Forward Party, Co-Chair, Presidential Candidate 2020, NYT Bestselling Author, Presidential Ambassador of Global Entrepreneurship

Connor Leahy, CEO, Conjecture

Jaan Tallinn, Co-Founder of Skype, Centre for the Study of Existential Risk, Future of Life Institute

Evan Sharp, Co-Founder, Pinterest

Chris Larsen, Co-Founder, Ripple

Emad Mostaque, CEO, Stability AI

Valerie Pisano, President & CEO, MILA

John J Hopfield, Princeton University, Professor Emeritus, inventor of associative neural networks

Rachel Bronson, President, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Max Tegmark, MIT Center for Artificial Intelligence & Fundamental Interactions, Professor of Physics, president of Future of Life Institute

Anthony Aguirre, University of California, Santa Cruz, Executive Director of Future of Life Institute, Professor of Physics

Victoria Krakovna, DeepMind, Research Scientist, co-founder of Future of Life Institute

Emilia Javorsky, Physician-Scientist & Director, Future of Life Institute

Sean O'Heigeartaigh, Executive Director, Cambridge Centre for the Study of Existential Risk

Tristan Harris, Executive Director, Center for Humane Technology

Marc Rotenberg, Center for AI and Digital Policy, President

Nico Miailhe, The Future Society (TFS), Founder and President

Zachary Kenton, DeepMind, Senior Research Scientist

Ramana Kumar, DeepMind, Research Scientist

Gary Marcus, New York University, AI researcher, Professor Emeritus

Steve Omohundro, Beneficial AI Research, CEO

Luis Moniz Pereira, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal, Professor Emeritus, Doctor Honoris Causa T.U. Dresden, Fellow of EurAI, Fellow AAIA

Carles Sierra, Director Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, IIIA-CSIC; President of the European Association of AI, EurAI., Research Professor of the CSIC, EurAI Fellow

Ramon Lopez De Mantaras, Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, Research Professor, Robert S. Engelmore Memorial Award of the AAAI, EurAI Fellow, National Research Prize in Mathematics of the Spanish Government

Mark Nitzberg, Center for Human-Compatible AI, UC Berkeley, Executive Directer

Gianluca Bontempi, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Full Professor in Machine Learning, Cohead of the ULB Machine Learning Group

Daniel Schwarz, Metaculus, CTO, Metaculus

Nicholas Saparoff, Software Architect, Founder of ByteSphere Technologies and Phenome.AI

Alessandro Perilli, Synthetic Work, AI Researcher

Matt Mahoney, Hutter Prize Committee, Retired data scientist, Developed PAQ and ZPAQ, large text benchmark to evaluate language models using compression

Régis Sabbadin, Inrae-Université de Toulouse, France, Research Director in AI

Peter Stone, The University of Texas at Austin, Associate Chair of Computer Science, Director of Robotics, Chair of the 100 Year Study on AI, Professor of Computer Science, IJCAI Computer and Thought Award; Fellow of AAAI, ACM, IEEE, and AAAS.

Alessandro Saffiotti, Orebro University, Sweden, Professor, Fellow of the European Association for Artificial Intelligence

Louis Rosenberg, Unanimous AI, CEO & Chief Scientist

Jason Tamara Widjaja, Director of Artificial Intelligence, Certified AI Ethics & Governance (Expert)

Niki Iliadis, The Future Society, Director on AI and the Rule of Law

Dr. Jeroen Franse, ABN Amro Bank, Advisor MLOps and ML governance

Colin De La Higuera, Nantes Université. France, Unesco Chair on Open Educational Resoiurces and Artificial Intelligence

Vincent Conitzer, Carnegie Mellon University and University of Oxford, Professor of Computer Science, Director of Foundations of Cooperative AI Lab, Head of Technical AI Engagement at the Institute for Ethics in AI, Presidential Early Career Award in Science and Engineering, Computers and Thought Award, Social Choice and Welfare Prize, Guggenheim Fellow, Sloan Fellow, ACM Fellow, AAAI Fellow, ACM/SIGAI Autonomous Agents Research Award

Elionai Moura Cordeiro, UFRN | BioME |, CEO - AI Researcher, RSG Brazil Member | BioME fellow researcher

Peter Warren, Director, Author 'AI on Trial' a discussion on the need for AI regulation published by Bloomsbury

Takafumi Matsumaru, Graduate School of Information, Production and Systems, Waseda University, Japan, Professor (Robotics and Mechatronics), IEEE senior member

Jaromír Janisch, CTU in Prague, PhD. student in AI

Emma Bluemke, Centre for the Governance of AI, PhD Engineering, University of Oxford

Mario Gibney, AI Governance & Safety Canada, Director of Partnerships

Louise Doherty, Executive Coach to AI ethics/safety and for-good leaders

Evan R. Murphy, AI Safety Researcher, Independent; Board Member, AIGS Canada

Julien Billot, Scale AI, CEO

Jeff Orkin, Central Casting AI, CEO, PhD from MIT. Awards for best AI in the video game industry for my work on FEAR and No One Lives Forever 2

Anish Upadhayay, Co-founder of the AI Safety Initiative at Georgia Tech

Subhabrata Majumdar, AI Risk and Vulnerability Alliance, Founder and President

Yuxi Li,, Founder

Francesc Giralt, University Rovira i Virgili, Professor Emeritus, Distinguished with the Narcís Monturiol Medal, Catalonia

Joseph Sifakis, Verimag, Universite Grenoble Alpes, CNRS Research Director Emeritus, Turing Award 2007

Wyatt Tessari L'Allié, AIGS Canada, Founder & Executive Director

John Wettlaufer, Yale University & Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics, Professor, Nobel Committee for Physics; Guggenheim Fellow; Fellow, American Geophysical Union; Fellow, American Physical Society

Pablo Jarillo-Herrero, MIT, Professor of Physics, Wolf Prize in Physics, US National Academy of Sciences

Christof Koch, MindScope Program, Allen Institute, Seattle, Chief Scientist

Mateo Valero Cortes, Director of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Fellow of Royal Spanish Academy of Engineering

Richard Guy Compton, Oxford University, Professor of Chemistry

Robert Brandenberger, McGill University, Professor of Physics

Alfonso Ngan, Hong Kong University, Chair in Materials Science and Engineering

Mark Brakel, Director of Policy, Future of Life Institute

J.M.Don MacElroy, University College Dublin, Emeritus Chair of Chemical Engineering

Lawrence M. Krauss, President, The Origins Project Foundation

Michael Wellman, University of Michigan, Professor and Chair of Computer Science & Engineering

Berndt Mueller, Duke University, J.B. Duke Professor of Physics

Alan Mackworth, University of British Columbia, Professor Emeritus of Computer Science

Rolf Harald Baayen, University of Tuebingen, Professor

Grady Booch, ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, IEEE Computing Pioneer, IBM Fellow

Tor Nordam, NTNU, Adjunct associate professor of physics,

Joshua David Greene, Harvard University, Professor,

Arturo Giraldez, University of the Pacific, Professor

Scott Niekum, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Associate Professor

Lars Kotthoff, University of Wyoming, Assistant Professor, Senior Member, AAAI and ACM

Steve Petersen, Niagara University, Associate Professor of Philosophy

Yves Deville, UCLouvain, Professor of Computer Science

Christoph Weniger, University of Amsterdam, Associate Professor for Theoretical Physics

Luc Steels, University of Brussels (VUB) Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, emeritus professor and founding director, EURAI Distinguished Service Award, Chair for Natural Science of the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium

Roman Yampolskiy, Professor

Alyssa M Vance, Blue Rose Research, Senior Data Scientist

Jonathan Moreno, University of Pennsylvania, David and Lyn Silfen University Professor, Member, National Academy of Medicine

Andrew Barto, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Professor emeritus, Fellow AAAS, Fellow IEEE

Peter B. Reiner, University of British Columbia, Professor of Neuroethics

Jorel, University of Caen, Assitant professor,

Paul Rosenbloom, University of Southern California, Professor Emeritus of Computer Science, Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, and the Cognitive Science Society

Michael Gillings, Macquarie University, Professor of Molecular Evolution,

Grigorios Tsoumakas, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Associate Professor

Benjamin Kuipers, University of Michigan, Professor of Computer Science, Fellow, AAAI, IEEE, AAAS

Chi-yuen Wang, UC Berkeley, Professor Emeritus,

Johann Rohwer, Stellenbosch University, Professor of Systems Biology

Geoffrey Odlum, Odlum Global Strategies , President , Retired U.S. Diplomat

Dana S. Nau, University of Maryland, Professor, Computer Science Dept and Institute for Systems Research, AAAI Fellow, ACM Fellow, AAAS Fellow

Andrew Francis, Western Sydney University, Professor of Mathematics

Vassilis P. Plagianakos, University of Thessaly, Greece, Professor of Computational Intelligence, Dean of the School of Science, University of Thessaly, Greece

Stefan Sint, Trinity College Dublin, Associate Professor, School of Mathematics

Hector Geffner, RWTH Aachen University, Alexander von Humboldt Professor, Fellow AAAI, EurAI

B. Thomas Soifer, California Institute of Technology, Harold Brown Professor of Physics, Emeritus, NASA Distinguished Public Service Medal, NASA Exceptional Scientific Achievement Medal

Marcus Frei, NEXT. robotics GmbH & Co. KG, CEO, Member European DIGITAL SME Alliance FG AI, Advisory Board

Brendan McCane, University of Otago, Professor

Kang G. Shin, University of Michigan, Professor, Fellow of IEEE and ACM, winner of the Hoam Engineering Prize

Miguel Gregorkiewitz, University Siena, Italy, Professor

Václav Nevrlý, VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Safety Engineering, Assistant Professor

Alan Frank Thomas Winfield, Bristol Robotics Laboratory, UWE Bristol, UK, Professor of Robot Ethics

LuIs Caires, NOVA University Lisbon, Professor of Computer Science and Head of NOVA Laboratory for Computer Science and Informatics

Vincent Corruble, Sorbonne University, Associate Professor of Computer Science

Sunyoung Yang, The University of Arizona, Assistant Professor

The Anh han, Teesside University , Professor of Computer Science, Lead of Centre for Digital Innovation

Yngve Sundblad, KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Professor emeritus

Marco Dorigo, Université Libre de Bruxelles, AI lab Research Director, AAAI Fellow; EurAI Fellow; IEEE Fellow; IEEE Frank Rosenblatt Award; Marie Curie Excellence Award

Domenico Talia, University of Calabria, Professor

Courtney M. Peterson, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Associate Professor

Divya Siddarth, Collective Intelligence Project, Co-director

Timothy John O'Donnell, McGill University/Mila, Professor, Canada CIFAR AI Chair

Hans Martin Seip, University of Oslo, Professor Emeritus, Member of Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters and of The Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters

Kim Mens, Professor of Computer Science, UCLouvain

Thomas Wallis, Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany, Professor

Damian Lyons, Fordham University, Professor, SM IEEE

Olle Häggström, Chalmers University of Technology, Professor of mathematical statistics, Member, Royal Swedish Academy of Science

Robert Kowalski, Department of Computing, Imperial College London, Professor Emeritus and Distinguished Research Fellow, IJCAI Award for Research Excellence

Jakob Foerster, University of Oxford, Associate Professor, Awarded ERC Starter Grant in 2023

Michael Symonds, The University of Nottingam, Emeritus Professor

Andrew Robinson, The University of Melbourne, Professor

Tony J. Prescott, University of Sheffield, Professor of Cognitive Robotics

Robert Brooks, UNSW Sydney, Scientia Professor

Yoshihiko Nakamura, University of Tokyo, Senior Researcher / Professor Emeritus

Zbigniew H. Stachurski, Australian National University, A/Prof. - retired

David Scott Krueger, University of Cambridge, Assistant Professor

Raul Monroy, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Professor

Peter Vamplew, Federation University Australia, Professor of Information Technology

Jean-Claude Latombe, Computer Science Department, Stanford University, Professor, Emeritus

Frank van den Bosch, Yale University, Professor of Theoretical Astrophysics

Richard Dazeley, Deakin University, Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

M V N Murthy, Former Professor at The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, India, None, Fellow, Indian Academy of Sciences

Rada Mihalcea, University of Michigan, Professor of Computer Science, Director Michigan AI Lab, PECASE recipient, AAAI Fellow, ACM Fellow

Qiaobing Xu, Tufts University, Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Fellow of AIMBE

Raymund Sison, De La Salle University, Professor and University Fellow, Metrobank Foundation Outstanding Teacher and NAST Outstanding Young Scientist

Jonathan Cefalu, Preamble, Inc., Chairman, Inventor of Prompt Injection; Forbes 30 Under 30 for inventing Snapchat Spectacles AR glasses

George Helou, California Institute of Technology, Executive Director of IPAC at Caltech, Fellow, American Astronomical Society; NASA Distringuished Public Service Medal; Gruber Cosmology Prize (2018, shared)

JACOB TSIMERMAN, University of Toronto, Professor of Mathematics, New horizons 2021 prize winner

Hema A Murthy, Indian Institute of Technology Madras India, Professor, Fellow,Indian National Academy of Engineering; Fellow, Internattional Speech Communication Association

Huw Price, University of Cambridge, Emeritus Bertrand Russell Professor of Philosophy, FBA, FAHA

Ulises Cortés, Univeristat Politècnica de Catalunya, Professor, Fellow Sociedad Mexicana de Inteligencia Artificial. Mexican of the year 2018

Robert Babuska, Delft University of Technology, Professor

Alexander Schütz, University of Marburg, Professor of Experimental Psychology

Joan Manuel del Pozo Alvarez, Spain, Prof. of Philisiphy, Exminister of Education and Universities

Albert Sabater, University of Girona, Director of the Catalan Observatory for Ethis in Artificial Intelligence

Gert Jervan, Tallinn University of Technology, Professor of Dependable Computer Systems, Dean of School of Information Technologies

Aza Raskin, Center for Humane Technology / Earth Species Project, Cofounder, National Geographic Explorer, WEF Global AI Council

Gregory Provan, University College Cork, Professor, Rhodes Scholar

Jordi Miralda-Escude, Institut de Ciències del Cosmos, Universitat de Barcelona, ICREA, ICREA research professor

Frits Vaandrager, Radboud University, Head of the Department of Software Science

Nicholas Taylor, Heriot-Watt University, Professor of Computer Science, Chartered Engineer, Chartered IT Professional, Chartered Mathematician, Fellow British Computer Society, Fellow Higher Education Academy, Member Institute of Mathematics and its Applications

Eduard Savador-Solé, University of Barcelona, Full Proessor

Tom Lenaerts, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Professor

Gerhard Lakemeyer, RWTH Aachen University, Professor, Fellow, European Association for Artificial Intelligence

Simeon Campos, SaferAI, Founder

Stuart S. Blume, Unversity of Amsterdam, Emeritus Professor of Science & Technology Studies

Manel Sanromà, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona. Catalonia, Professor of Applied Mathematics. Founder of CIVICAi, Trustee Emeritus, Internet Society

Paolo Zuccon, Trento University, Italy, Associate Professor

Georgios Gounalakis, Philipps-University Marburg, Professor of Law

João Emilio Almeida, LIACC / CITECA / ISTEC Porto, Professor / Researcher, Senior and Specialist member of Portuguese Engineers Order

Jan Pieter van der Schaar, Institute of Physics, University of Amsterdam, Associate Professor

Oren Schuldiner, Weizmann Institute of Science, Professor

Michel Schellekens, University College Cork, Professor, Fulbright Award

Martin Welk, UMIT TIROL - Private University for Health Sciences and Health Technology, Hall in Tirol, Austria, Professor

Nayat Sanchez-Pi, Inria Chile, CEO, CEO Inria Chile

Simon Friederich, University of Groningen, Associate Professor of Philosophy of Science

John S. Edwards, Aston University, Birmingham, UK, Professor of Knowledge Management

Joachim Weickert, Saarland University, Germany, Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science

Michael Osborne, University of Oxford, Professor of Machine Learning

Teresa Riera Madurell, UIB/BSC, Professor, Pormer MEP

Cristina Urdiales, University of Malaga, Professor Robotics, Phd in Robotics, PhD in AI

Yuri Gurevich, University of Michigan, Professor, Fellow, AAAS, and ACM

Raja Chatila, Sorbonne University, Paris, Professor Emeritus AI, Robotics and Technology Ethics, Fellow, IEEE

Daniel Langkilde, Kognic, CEO, Founder & CEO, Kognic

Goetz Neuneck, Co-chairman Federation of German Scientists, Professor Emeritus of Physics, University of Hamburg

Gregory Randall, Universidad de la República, Uruguay, Profesor

Christopher F. Mckee, University of California at Berkeley, Professor of Physics and of Astronomy, Emeritus Member, National Academy of Sciences and American Academy of Arts and Sciences; Fellow, American Physical Society, and American Astronomical Society

Gaia Dempsey, Metaculus, CEO, Schmidt Futures Innovation Fellow

Yannis Tsividis, Columbia University, Edwin Armstrong Professor of Electrical Engineering, Member, US National Academy of Engineering

Pattie Maes, MIT, Professor, Global leader for tomorrow, World Economic Forum

Joao Leite, NOVA University Lisbon, Professor of Computer Science, Head of the Department of Computer Science

Jon Solomon, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, Professor

Anne Jeannin-Girardon, University of Strasbourg, Associate Professor of Computer Science

Joe Redston, Raise, Founder

Brian Mingus,, Chief Executive Officer, Solomonoff Student Prize

Pierre Boulet, University of Lille, Professeur of Computer Science, VP for digital infrastructures of the University of Lille

Daniel Bauer, Columbia University, Lecturer in Natural Language Processing

Jack Stilgoe, University College London, Professor of Science and Technology Policy

Jens Niemeyer, University of Goettingen, Professor of Physics

Joshua Reeves, Oregon State University, Associate Professor

Manuel Sanchez Miranda, Geneva Graduate Institute, Postdoctoral Fellow

Steve Jones, University of Illinois Chicago, UIC Distinguished Professor of Communication, Fellow, International Communication Association

Dae-Shik Kim, KAIST, Professor of Electrical Engineering

Alejandro Bernardin, Fundacion Ciencia & Vida, Postdoctoral Researcher

Norman K Swazo, North South University, Professor of Philosophy; Director, Office of Research

Engelbert Mephu Nguifo, LIMOS - University Clermont Auvergne - CNRS, Professor

Rufo Guerreschi, Trustless Computing Association, Executive Director, Founder of the Trustless Computing Association

Joseph S. Webster, Professor of Mathematics, Ph.D. Curriculum & Instruction (Mathematics Education)

Marcel Lüthi, University of Basel, Lecturer in Computer Science

Soumya Ray, Case Western Reserve University, Associate Professor

Maja Van Der Velden, University of Oslo, Professor

Juan Pablo Bermúdez, Imperial College London, Research Associate, PhD in Philosophy / AI Ethics

Stephen Majercik, Bowdoin College, Associate Professor of Computer Science

Joaquin Arango, Complutense Univerisity Madrid, Professor

George Verghese, MIT, Warren Professor of Electrical and Biomedical Engineering

Håvard Tveit Ihle, University of Oslo, Postdoc in Cosmology

Vitezslav Kala, Charles University, Associate Professor of Mathematics

Gabriele Ferretti, Chalmers University of Technology, Professor of Theoretical Physics











走后门上大学与出国留学当汉奸单卡30秒预测未来10天全球天气,大模型“风乌”效果超DeepMind,来自上海人工智能实验室比尔·盖茨谈千人公开信:暂停人工智能发展的呼吁解决不了未来的挑战8点1氪:马斯克、苹果联合创始人等千名科技人士发公开信叫停人工智能开发;钟薛高推出3.5元雪糕;理想回应雷达在无人陵园显示全是人招聘 | 上海人工智能实验室-“星启”青年人才引育计划正式发布!上海内推 | 上海人工智能实验室招聘大语言模型算法研究实习生市民注意!紧急提醒!危险!危险!!危险!!!怎么看马斯克联名公开信?专家:人工智能已觉醒,人类还没有最新 |《未来简史》作者赫拉利 演讲:AI不需要意识就可以毁灭人类文明 (全文+视频)麻省理工学院科学家呼吁“暂停”人工智能的深入研究令人心动的AI offer(七):科大讯飞、旷视、达摩院、上海人工智能实验室等春招补录、社招与实习生AI教父、图灵奖得主Hinton离职谷歌,对毕生工作后悔和恐惧“把实验停下来”!马斯克等千名科技人员签署公开信:呼吁暂停巨型AI实验科研实习 | 西湖大学人工智能实验室AI4Science小组招收实习生(可远程)立即停止训练比 GPT-4 更强的模型,至少六个月!马斯克、图灵奖得主等数千 AI 专家紧急呼吁危险!立即暂停!马斯克等超千人紧急呼吁恐危及人类社会,马斯克与AI专家连署公开信 吁暂停训练强大AIAI太强,人类危险?马斯克、图灵奖得主紧急呼吁暂停GPT-4模型后续研发旅游讨论为什么马斯克、图灵奖得主等千名从业者联名叫停大型AI研究?独家|我们和ChatGPT一起专访了《人类简史》作者尤瓦拉·赫拉利上海人工智能实验室发布「风乌」大模型,全球气象有效预报时间首破10天叫停GPT-4后续AI大模型!马斯克、Bengio等人发出公开信,千人响应身居城市忙中偷闲乐趣无穷叫停GPT-5!马斯克、苹果联合创始人、图灵奖得主联名上书:至少停6个月未知风险太大!马斯克等1000多名大佬发公开信:立即暂停训练比GPT-4更强大的AI上海人工智能实验室招聘:高层次科研人才、青年科学家、青年研究员、博士后危险!危险!危险!龙卷风肆虐后 动物园2只老虎不见了!“危险!立刻停下所有大型AI研究!”马斯克、图灵奖得主领衔,上千名硅谷企业家科学家联名呼吁GPT-5恐被叫停!马斯克、图灵奖得主等千名专家呼吁暂停超强AI研发,至少6个月不要排名要分级(上)中美增加航班有变,美联航推后至少半年大佬联手封印AI,号召暂停强人工智能研发(附公开信全文翻译)所有的努力都是为了那一点点些许的不同!恐危及全人类!马斯克等1000人签署公开信:立即暂停!