GPT 原来这么简单?
在训练数据中,状态 101 确定性地转换为 011,因此该转换的概率变得更高 (79%)。但不接近于 100%,因为这里只做了 50 步优化。 状态 111 以 50% 的概率分别进入 111 和 110,模型几乎已学会了(45%、55%)。 在训练期间从未遇到过像 000 这样的状态,但具有相对尖锐的转换概率,例如 73% 转到 001。这是 Transformer 归纳偏差的结果。你可能会想这是 50%,除了在实际部署中几乎每个输入序列都是唯一的,而不是逐字地出现在训练数据中。
[0,1,0] ---> GPT ---> [P (0) = 20%, P (1) = 80%]
# hyperparameters for our GPT
# vocab size is 2, so we only have two possible tokens: 0,1
vocab_size = 2
# context length is 3, so we take 3 bits to predict the next bit probability
context_length = 3
print ('state space (for this exercise) = ', vocab_size ** context_length)
# state space (for this exercise) = 8
print ('actual state space (in reality) = ', sum (vocab_size ** i for i in range (1, context_length+1)))
# actual state space (in reality) = 14
config = GPTConfig (
block_size = context_length,
vocab_size = vocab_size,
n_layer = 4,
n_head = 4,
n_embd = 16,
bias = False,
gpt = GPT (config)
def all_possible (n, k):
# return all possible lists of k elements, each in range of [0,n)
if k == 0:
yield []
for i in range (n):
for c in all_possible (n, k - 1):
yield [i] + c
list (all_possible (vocab_size, context_length))
[[0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1],
[0, 1, 0],
[0, 1, 1],
[1, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 1],
[1, 1, 0],
[1, 1, 1]]
# we'll use graphviz for pretty plotting the current state of the GPT
from graphviz import Digraph
def plot_model ():
dot = Digraph (comment='Baby GPT', engine='circo')
for xi in all_possible (gpt.config.vocab_size, gpt.config.block_size):
# forward the GPT and get probabilities for next token
x = torch.tensor (xi, dtype=torch.long)[None, ...] # turn the list into a torch tensor and add a batch dimension
logits = gpt (x) # forward the gpt neural net
probs = nn.functional.softmax (logits, dim=-1) # get the probabilities
y = probs [0].tolist () # remove the batch dimension and unpack the tensor into simple list
print (f"input {xi} ---> {y}")
# also build up the transition graph for plotting later
current_node_signature = "".join (str (d) for d in xi)
dot.node (current_node_signature)
for t in range (gpt.config.vocab_size):
next_node = xi [1:] + [t] # crop the context and append the next character
next_node_signature = "".join (str (d) for d in next_node)
p = y [t]
dot.edge (current_node_signature, next_node_signature, label=label)
return dot
plot_model ()
input [0, 0, 0] ---> [0.4963349997997284, 0.5036649107933044]
input [0, 0, 1] ---> [0.4515703618526459, 0.5484296679496765]
input [0, 1, 0] ---> [0.49648362398147583, 0.5035163760185242]
input [0, 1, 1] ---> [0.45181113481521606, 0.5481888651847839]
input [1, 0, 0] ---> [0.4961162209510803, 0.5038837194442749]
input [1, 0, 1] ---> [0.4517717957496643, 0.5482282042503357]
input [1, 1, 0] ---> [0.4962802827358246, 0.5037197470664978]
input [1, 1, 1] ---> [0.4520467519760132, 0.5479532480239868]
# let's train our baby GPT on this sequence
seq = list (map (int, "111101111011110"))
[1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0]
# convert the sequence to a tensor holding all the individual examples in that sequence
X, Y = [], []
# iterate over the sequence and grab every consecutive 3 bits
# the correct label for what's next is the next bit at each position
for i in range (len (seq) - context_length):
X.append (seq [i:i+context_length])
Y.append (seq [i+context_length])
print (f"example {i+1:2d}: {X [-1]} --> {Y [-1]}")
X = torch.tensor (X, dtype=torch.long)
Y = torch.tensor (Y, dtype=torch.long)
print (X.shape, Y.shape)
# init a GPT and the optimizer
torch.manual_seed (1337)
gpt = GPT (config)
optimizer = torch.optim.AdamW (gpt.parameters (), lr=1e-3, weight_decay=1e-1)
# train the GPT for some number of iterations
for i in range (50):
logits = gpt (X)
loss = F.cross_entropy (logits, Y)
print (i, loss.item ())
print ("Training data sequence, as a reminder:", seq)
plot_model ()
GPT-2 有 50257 个 token 和 2048 个 token 的上下文长度。所以 `log2 (50,257) * 2048 = 每个状态 31,984 位 = 3,998 kB。这足以实现量变。 GPT-3 的上下文长度为 4096,因此需要 8kB 的内存;大约相当于 Atari 800。 GPT-4 最多 32K 个 token,所以大约 64kB,即 Commodore64。 I/O 设备:一旦开始包含连接到外部世界的输入设备,所有有限状态机分析就会崩溃。在 GPT 领域,这将是任何一种外部工具的使用,例如必应搜索能够运行检索查询以获取外部信息并将其合并为输入。
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畅聊「AIGC 技术探索与应用创新」,字节跳动 NLP 算法工程师陈家泽、英特尔 AI 软件工程师杨亦诚、Google Cloud 机器学习专家王顺、清华大学 KEG 知识工程实验室研究助理郑勤铠、九合创投 COO 张少宇、稀土掘金江昪等多位业界专家已集结完毕。
来源: qq