南方科技大学Prof. Yury Illarionov 课题组招聘2D纳米电子学方向博士后
南方科技大学材料科学与工程系正在建立一个新的二维纳米电子学实验室。PI 是 Yury Illarionov 教授,一位 34 岁的俄罗斯科学家,过去 10 年一直在维也纳技术大学工作,也是中国引进的国家高层次青年人才(海外)。Yury Illarionov 教授共发表了 80 多篇论文,包括作为通讯作者或者第一作者在Nature Electronics(6 篇)、Nature Communications(1篇)、Advanced Materials、ACS Nano 等顶级期刊上发表的论文。最近,他被评选为 IEEE 高级会员,并担任 2020 年金砖国家青年科学家论坛的俄罗斯官方代表。Yury Illarionov 教授拥有非常广泛的国际合作网络,其中包括来自俄罗斯、中国、美国、德国和其他国家的顶尖科学家.
完成材料科学、电气工程、物理学等领域的博士学位(或即将毕业)。 职位 1:具有基于 2D 材料的器件制备经验,包括 ALD、CVD、光刻方法。同时具备高级表征技术(AFM、TEM、拉曼等)的经验更佳,但不是必须。 职位 2:在使用高级 TCAD 模拟器(Silvaco、GTS 等)进行器件模拟方面拥有丰富的背景。有 2D 器件模拟经验者优先。
博士后聘用期两年,年薪33万元起,含广东省生活补贴15万元及深圳市生活补贴6万元,并按深圳市有关规定参加社会保险及住房公积金。博士后福利费参照学校教职工标准发放。 特别优秀候选人可以申请校长卓越博士后,年薪可达50万元以上。(含广东省及深圳市在站生活补贴)。 在站期间,可依托学校申请深圳市公租房,未依托学校使用深圳市公租房的博士后,可享受两年税前2800元/月的住房补贴。 拥有优良的工作环境和境内外合作交流机会,博士后在站期间享受两年共计2.5万学术交流经费资助。 课题组协助符合条件的博士后申请“广东省海外人才支持项目”。即在世界排名前200名的高校(不含境内,排名以上一年度泰晤士、USNEWS、QS和上海交通大学的世界大学排行榜为准)获得博士学位,在广东省博士后设站单位从事博士后研究,并承诺在站2年以上的博士后,申请成功后省财政给予每名进站博士后资助60万元生活补贴(与广东省及深圳市在站博士后生活补贴不同时享受);对获得本项目资助,出站后与广东省用人单位签订工作协议或劳动合同,并承诺连续在粤工作3年以上的博士后,省财政给予每人40万元住房补贴。 博士后出站选择留深从事科研工作,且与本市企事业单位签订3年以上劳动(聘用)合同的,可以申请深圳市博士后留深来深科研资助。深圳市政府给予每人每年10万元科研资助,共资助3年(以深圳市最新申报要求为准)。
欢迎大家直接给Yury Illarionov教授发英文简历 联系人:Yury Illarionov 教授 邮箱:[email protected] 入围博士后候选人将邀请至南科大进行现场面试(可补贴差旅费)。 有相关问题也可以咨询课题组秘书微信:13696998615
Prof. Yury Illarionov ([email protected])
University info:
Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) is a public and dynamic university established in 2012 by the provincial government of Guangdong and the Shenzhen Municipality with the aim of developing a new type of tertiary education and becoming a world-class research university. It is located in the rapidly-growing tech capital city of Shenzhen. In recent years, SUSTech has very rapidly been recognized as a world-class university.
Team info:
A new Laboratory of 2D Nanoelectronics is being established within the Department of Material Science and Engineering of Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech). The PI is Prof. Yury Illarionov, a 34 years old Russian scientist who has been working in TU Wien (Austria) for the last 10 years. Prof. Yury Illarionov has already coauthored more than 80 contributions including papers in top journals like Nature Electronics, Nature Communications, Advanced Materials, ACS Nano among others. Recently he has been elevated as IEEE Senior Member and also served as an official Russian delegate for BRICS Young Scientist Forum 2020. Prof. Yury Illarionov has a very broad international collaboration network which includes top scientists from Russia, China, USA, Germany and other countries.
For more info about the research direction of Prof. Illarionov, please see the Google Scholar profile:
Postdoc requirements:
- Completed PhD degree (or close to graduation) in material science, electrical engineering, physics, etc.
- Position 1: Experience in fabrication of devices based on 2D materials, including ALD, CVD, lithography methods. Simultaneous experience in advanced characterization techniques (AFM, TEM, Raman, etc) would be preferable but not mandatory.
- Position 2: Strong background in device modeling using advanced TCAD simulators (Silvaco, GTS, etc). Previous experience with modeling of 2D devices is highly preferable.
The candidates will be expected to lead their sub-branch of our team work (device fabrication and TCAD modeling, respectively) and co-supervise at least one PhD student.
Non-Chinese candidates are also welcome to apply.
Postdoc work conditions and benefits:
1) Employment period of 2 years.
2) Annual salary above 330,000 RMB, which is fully competitive to most EU and US universities.
3) Particularly outstanding candidates can apply for the President’s excellent postdoc with the annual salary above 500,000 RMB.
4) Health insurance, travel budget for research visits, paid annual leave.
More details about salary payment scheme and other benefits can be clarified individually with the PI.
Short listed postdoc candidates will be interviewed on site in SUSTech campus (travel expenses will be compensated).