年薪118087, 新西兰使馆前台行政

年薪118087, 新西兰使馆前台行政

The Reception/Office Administration Assistant is responsible for providing telephone and reception services as well as general administrative duties to help ensure the efficient and smooth running of the Embassy.
– Who are we looking for?
· At least three years’ experience in an administration role
· Excellent written and oral communication skills in both English and Mandarin
· Sound judgement and decision making skills
· Attention to detail and thoroughness in following through tasks including the ability to work under pressure
· Ability to work autonomously and within guidelines, demonstrating the use of judgement
· Ability to anticipate issues and problems and think of creative solutions.
· Strong customer focus, with the ability to build rapport and communicate effectively with a diverse range of people and on occasion under testing circumstances.
· Demonstrated ability to build and maintain effective relationships and working within a team.
· Experience in managing sensitive material with a high degree of tact and integrity, and working with a wide range of people across cultural and social boundaries
· Competent in the Microsoft Office suite of packages
· Numeracy and data entry skills
· Display personal integrity, discretion and an honest and ethical approach; strict observance of the Code of Conduct.
· Flexibility and willingness to adapt to changing job demands.


群内留言 新西兰 @小助理 即可申请


美国移民局:H-1B打工人平均年薪11.8万刀,中国份额仅12.6%最新薪酬排行:上海第一,广州平均月薪10883元,仅排第七|首席资讯日报洛桑加參醫師的生活處方,預防永遠勝治療《帕米尔的微笑》&《不染》又一起报复行凶!中餐馆前雇员不满被解雇,两周之后抢劫枪杀老板太离谱!新西兰卫生部长:新西兰护士工资和澳洲相当!媒体:她用的数据已经过时了美国H-1B打工人画像大公开:人均年薪11.8万刀,中国份额仅12.5%?!新西兰疫情反扑,卫生部却放弃疫情调查?“新西兰已经度过了最紧急的阶段!”@新西兰华人家长,这款违禁饮料受新西兰孩子热捧,容易引发严重健康问题!华人区餐馆前爆枪声!枪手乔装,连开5枪,受害者中弹送院!悲剧连连,风光无限的人生划上句号多方怒批新西兰教育改革!知名公校直言荒谬!新西兰国家党:“就是个骗局!”最新回应来了!路,男,青岛农业大学,产业地产项目经理,月入3万+,87年,高180,广州南沙最高年薪140万纽币!涨薪继续!新西兰公务员高薪榜发布:他们赚最多!比亚迪春招捞人&社招进行中!7000+岗位,年薪18w起,留学生友好,部分不限专业,世界500强!猿辅导校招国际业务岗, 月薪11800+中餐馆前员工「抢劫枪杀老板」儿子身中多枪!疑被开除后报复!美国盗窃中国秘密年薪18万, 领事馆贸易岗美国绿卡,年薪100万 VS 英国永居,年薪80万,怎么选?校招&社招 | BYD比亚迪春招进行中!7000+岗位,年薪18w起,留学生友好,部分不限专业,世界500强!纽约Big Law年薪$11w vs 香港外所年薪¥80w,你怎么选?就在刚刚!新西兰迎来一位新国王!查尔斯三世即位,对新西兰有何影响?多图直击加冕礼现场!1夜之间, 德州这家博物馆前惊现6.4米骷髅头, 猴子屯人却激动炸了Desktop(i7-8700k/rog z370/32gram/gtx 1080/500gssd/2t had/Wi-Fi)厉害了!这个新西兰国民品牌被新西兰总理带去访华!后续还要在中国市场做这事!媒体都爆了!假期超多! 爱尔兰使馆招人“令人不安”!校园暴力、网络霸凌...新西兰11岁女孩遭殴打,同学竟袖手旁观!这份反霸凌指南请收好!校招 | BYD比亚迪春招捞人!含非技术岗,部分不限专业,年薪18w起,留学生友好!酒店Bug价:32美元入住曼谷五星级铂尔曼行政套房,含行政酒廊使用权《血壮山河》书评 1“冻薪”结束!新西兰公务员工资又要大涨!?议员年薪是普通人三倍,部长更高!年薪16万+, 新西兰使馆行政岗广东出台行动方案,动员30万青年下乡新西兰华人看过来!这家靠谱集运公司官宣:帮你买单,直接免运费!618买买买起来!