加国五大行 | CIBC 2024暑期分析师招聘开启,base Chicago

加国五大行 | CIBC 2024暑期分析师招聘开启,base Chicago




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CIBC银行全称Canadian Imperial Bank Of Commerce,加拿大帝国银行,加拿大五大银行之一,有着悠久的历史,全国网点覆盖率第三位,并在亚洲各国设立办事处。

招聘要求 …

  • 开放职位:2024 Summer Analyst, Investment Banking 

  • 工作地点:Chicago

  • 截止时间:Ongoing

招聘条件 …

  • Assists in preparing proposals to clients and potential clients for equity and debt placements, mergers, asset divestitures or acquisitions, and other financial products and advisory services

  • Conduct industry research and analysis to assist in the identification and/or analysis of investment banking business opportunities

  • Organizes presentations to potential clients, assists in the development of presentation information

  • Participates in cross functional teams and liaises with other units of CIBC Capital Markets in executing mandates or preparing proposals for clients

  • Oversees and/or participates in the conduct of research and collection of information to assist in the identification and analysis of potential business transactions

  • Prepares industry and financial analysis to determine client recommendations

  • Ensures that recommendations and opinions offered to clients are in compliance with legislation and at all times maintains the professional standards and policies of CIBC

任职要求 …

  • Undergraduate students in Business, Economics, Engineering, Mathematics or related discipline who will be graduating in 2025

  • Knowledge of accounting principles relating to financial statement preparation and business combinations

  • Strong technical, computational and quantitative skills

  • Results oriented and self-motivated

  • Excellent analytical ability including demonstrated knowledge of valuation techniques and practices, including cash flow analysis

  • Proven ability to contribute to high performance teams

  • Thorough understanding of corporate finance theories and practices, well-developed financial analysis skills, including financial modeling

  • Excellent understanding of financial statements, credit analysis and accounting principles

  • Well-developed organizational and time management skills in order to respond to shifting priorities on several simultaneous projects

  • Proven ability to pay close attention to detail and multi-task under tight deadlines

  • Excellent interpersonal, presentation, oral and written communication skills in order to convey complex factual and conceptual information to others and promote the interests of CIBC

  • You put our clients first. You engage with purpose to find the right solutions. You go the extra mile, because it's the right thing to do.

  • You’re goal oriented. You’re motivated by accomplishing your goals and delivering your best to make a difference.

  • You're passionate about people. You find meaning in relationships and surround yourself with a diverse network of partners. You connect with others through respect and authenticity.

  • You love to learn. You're passionate about growing your knowledge. You have a strong sense of curiosity.

  • Values matter to you. You bring your real self to work and you live our values – trust, teamwork, and accountability.


发送关键字  0525 加国五大行



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And More...

筑梦求职 INTERNATIONAL IDEAL ,2014 年成立于美国,是北美最早成立的留学生求职咨询平台之一。我们是宁波人才服务中心战略合作伙伴,并荣登福布斯全球华人精英TOP100及胡润百富创业领袖榜单,至今已帮助 8000+ 学员获得来自 Goldman Sachs, McKinsey, Deloitte, P&G  等企业 offers。我们的服务包括:求职咨询、背景提升、名企内推、海内外招聘等;商务合作请联系:[email protected]

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