金融巨头|Capital One 2024秋招已开,薪资高达$113,000
即日起 I.I. 将为你推送名企最新招聘动态
美国第一资本投资国际集团(Capital One Financial Corp.)是一家以投资融资及基金管理为基础,集国际贸易、项目开发、投资银行业务为一体的多元化国际企业集团,总部位于美国特拉华州。
招聘要求 …
开放职位:Strategy Consulting Associate - 2024
工作地点:New York
岗位职责 …
Full-time new hires for this role will start as a cohort with other Strategy Consulting associates in February 2024 or August 2024. This role is a full-time associate position within the Strategy Consulting organization at Capital One, designed as a career accelerator to build transferable problem solving and leadership skills to foster the next generation of leading talent. Associates work on small, 4-7 person teams supporting senior leaders across Capital One on critical issues for our business, with projects and teams rotating on a quarterly basis. Strategy Consulting associates will have the opportunity to rotate into another line of business for one project cycle to experience another role / team in their second year. Associates who join the Strategy team will participate in Capital One's larger Analyst Development Program, which provides even moreopportunities for professional development and interaction with associates from diverse backgrounds across the enterprise. Participation in the program requires that you are located in the continental United States with in-person attendance at your assigned location, in accordance with Capital One’s hybrid working model.
任职要求 …
Be curious and enjoy solving complex qualitative and quantitative problems Have the ability to work collaboratively in different team environments Have the ability to communicate complex ideas effectively Have the ability to independently own & execute their own work plan with guidance Be self-reflective, empathetic, and eager to learn & grow Be excited to learn new skills, dig into new topics, and invest in their own and their team members’ professional development
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