突发!波特兰疑「有人热死」最高温度达110 度!快找地方避暑!
100度高温的日子越来越频繁,虽然波特兰每年都有一天温度达到 100 度,但在过去三年中,三位数温度的出现更加频繁。据 McGinness 称,在过去 20 年里,波特兰已经记录十几次达到或超过 100 度。2022 年和 2021 年都有 5 天 100 度。
Multnomah County East at 600 Northeast 8th Street in Gresham Cook Plaza at 19421 Southeast Stark Street in Gresham Old Town Cooling Center at 435 Northwest Glisan Street in Portland Lloyd Center Mall at 2201 Lloyd Center in Portland
Colonel Summers Park - Southeast 17th Avenue and Taylor Street Columbia Park and Annex - North Lombard Street and Woolsey Avenue Dawson Park - North Stanton Street and Williams Avenue Earl Boyles Park - East of Southeast 107th Avenue and Francis Street Elizabeth Caruthers Park - 3508 Southwest Moody Avenue Essex Park - Southeast 79th Avenue and Center Street Farragut Park - North Kerby Avenue and Farragut Street Fernhill Park - Northeast 37th Avenue and Ainsworth Street Gateway Discovery Park - 10520 Northeast Halsey Street Irving Park - Northeast 7th Avenue and Fremont Street Kenton Park - 8417 North Brandon Avenue Khunamokwst Park - 5200 Northeast Alberta Street Northgate Park - North Geneva Avenue and Fessenden Street Peninsula Park - 700 North Rosa Parks Way Pier Park - North Lombard Street and Bruce Avenue Raymond Park - Southeast 118th Avenue and Raymond Street Spring Garden Park - 3332 Southwest Spring Garden Street Woodlawn Park - Northeast 13th Avenue and Dekum Street
来源: qq