宾夕法尼亚州立大学(PSU)| 计算机科学专业辅导

宾夕法尼亚州立大学(PSU)| 计算机科学专业辅导





CMPSC 97:Special Topics
CMPSC 100: Computer Fundamentals and Applications
CMPSC 101: Introduction to Programming
CMPSC 102: Introduction to Visual Programming
CMPSC 111: Logic for Computer Science
CMPSC 121: Introduction to Programming Techniques
CMPSC 122: Intermediate Programming
CMPSC 122H: Intermediate Programming
CMPSC 131: Programming and Computation I: Fundamentals
CMPSC 132: Programming and Computation II: Data Structures
CMPSC 197: Special Topics
CMPSC 199: Foreign Studies
CMPSC 200: Programming for Engineers with MATLAB
CMPSC 201: Programming for Engineers with C++
CMPSC 203: Introduction to Spreadsheets and Databases
CMPSC 204: Introduction to Computational Sciences Programming
CMPSC 205: Intermediate Computational Sciences Programming
CMPSC 208: Technical Game Development
CMPSC 221: Object Oriented Programming with Web-Based Applications
CMPSC 263: Blockchain and Modern Web Development
CMPSC 296: Independent Studies
CMPSC 297: Special Topics
CMPSC 299: Foreign Studies
CMPSC 301: Event Driven Programming for Computational Sciences
CMPSC 302: Intermediate Visual Programming
CMPSC 311: Introduction to Systems Programming
CMPSC 312: Computer Organization and Architecture
CMPSC 313: Assembly Language Programming
CMPSC 330: Advanced Programming in C++
CMPSC 335: Fundamentals of Communication Networks
CMPSC 348: Data Science and Machine Learning for Computational Sciences
CMPSC 360: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science
CMPSC 395: Internship
CMPSC 397: Special Topics
CMPSC 399: Foreign Studies
CMPSC 410: Programming Models for Big Data
CMPSC 412: Data Structures Lab
CMPSC 413: Algorithms Lab
CMPSC 414: Contest Programming
CMPSC 421: Net-centric Computing
CMPSC 430: Database Design
CMPSC 431W: Database Management Systems
CMPSC 432: Exploratory Data Mining
CMPSC 436: Communications and Networking
CMPSC 438: Computer Network Architecture and Programming
CMPSC 440: Data-driven Security Analytics
CMPSC 441: Artificial Intelligence
CMPSC 442: Artificial Intelligence
CMPSC 443: Introduction to Computer and Network Security
CMPSC 444: Secure Programming
CMPSC 445: Applied Machine Learning in Data Science
CMPSC 446: Data Mining
CMPSC 447: Software Security
CMPSC 448: Machine Learning and Algorithmic AI
CMPSC 450: Concurrent Scientific Programming
CMPSC 451: Numerical Computations
CMPSC 455: Introduction to Numerical Analysis I
CMPSC 456: Introduction to Numerical Analysis II
CMPSC 457: Computer Graphics Algorithms
CMPSC 458: Fundamentals of Computer Graphics
CMPSC 460: Principles of Programming Languages
CMPSC 461: Programming Language Concepts
CMPSC 462: Data Structures
CMPSC 463: Design and Analysis of Algorithms
CMPSC 464: Introduction to the Theory of Computation
CMPSC 465: Data Structures and Algorithms
CMPSC 466: Introduction to Quantum Computation
CMPSC 467: Factorization and Primality Testing
CMPSC 469: Formal Languages with Applications
CMPSC 470: Compiler Construction
CMPSC 471: Introduction to Compiler Construction
CMPSC 472: Operating System Concepts
CMPSC 473: Operating Systems Design & Construction
CMPSC 474: Operating System & Systems Programming
CMPSC 475: Applications Programming
CMPSC 476: Systems Debugging
CMPSC 483W: Software Design Methods
CMPSC 484: Computer Science Senior Project I
CMPSC 485W: Computer Science Senior Project II
CMPSC 487W: Software Engineering and Design
CMPSC 488: Computer Science Project
CMPSC 494: Senior Honors Thesis
CMPSC 495: Internship
CMPSC 496: Independent Studies
CMPSC 497: Special Topics
CMPSC 499: Foreign Studies













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