资管巨头 | PIMCO 已开放2024暑期实习岗位,全国多地可投
即日起 I.I. 将为你推送名企最新招聘动态
太平洋投资管理有限公司由被称为业界称作债券之王的比尔·格罗斯(Bill Gross)创建。公司主要业务包括策略投资、国际并购、资产重组、私募融资、资本运作、境外股票发行上市、初次公开上市(IPO)与反向收购上市(RTO)、财务顾问、管理咨询等综合投资银行顾问服务。公司总部位于美国,与美国及香港各大证券专业机构保持长期稳定的紧密合作关系。
招聘要求 …
开放职位:2024 Summer Internship - Account Analyst
岗位职责 …
The PIMCO Summer Internship Program beginning in early/mid-June 2024
During Week 1, you’ll participate in PIMCO Fundamentals Training, providing you with the skills, knowledge, and relationships that will prepare you for success
Alongside your colleagues, participate in PIMCO's Global Month of Volunteering, developed to heighten the impact of our employees' worldwide volunteer efforts
Join us for a variety of cross-divisional education, networking & social events!
Your supervisor, peer mentor, senior leaders and team offer guidance and mentorship throughout the summer
You’ll receive feedback at mid- and end-of-summer as part of a formal review process to keep you on the path to meeting your summer goals
Want to learn more? Hear about The PIMCO Internship Experience from past interns.
As a PIMCO intern, you’ll receive competitive compensation, along with a transition bonus to help with relocation to one of our office locations
任职资格 …
Are a currently pursuing an Undergraduate/Master’s degree with an expected graduation date of December 2024 – June 2025 Have a minimum 3.2 cumulative collegiate grade point average on a 4.0 scale (or the equivalent) at an accredited 4-year college or university
Show strong interest in the financial markets, macroeconomics, and investment finance Possess proficient to advanced Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint skills Show ability to articulate ideas/strategies clearly, both verbally and in writing Show outstanding communication skills which enable them to operate in a complex financial and mathematical environment Possess a passion for process enhancement through technology enablement (e.g. AI, programming, data modelling) Show the following traits: ethical, collaborative, organized, flexible, high energy, self-starter, accountable, humble
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