硅谷大厂 | Salesforce 2024暑期实习申请已开,24-26届可投
即日起 I.I. 将为你推送名企最新招聘动态
招聘要求 …
开放职位:Summer 2024 Intern - Software Engineer
工作地点:United States
岗位职责 …
Your days at Salesforce or Slack will be spent collaborating with and contributing to your team. You will be assigned real projects and make an impact, all while receiving mentorship from amazing engineers on your teams. In essence, your internship will be an opportunity to join us in making work simpler, more pleasant, and more productive for millions of people around the world.
In addition, you will have access to resources and events to help you grow both professionally and personally. You will go through global onboarding, engineering-specific training, and intern-specific onboarding to ensure you are set up for success. Throughout your internship, you will be part of events including Executive Speaker Series, Volunteer Time Off, Workshops, and Socials. You will also have recruiter check-ins, general guidance and support to make the most of your internship experience. Lastly, you have access to participate in any of our Employee Resource Groups (ERGs).
As a Futureforce intern, you will not only contribute to the meaningful work our teams do, but you will also have the opportunity to interact with senior executives and network with a number of employees across the company. In addition to these impactful opportunities, ensuring you participate in a number of events outside of your day-to-day duties is top of mind for us.
任职资格 …
Required Qualifications:
Enrolled and working towards obtaining a BS in Computer Science or related field. Please note that in order to be eligible for an internship, we require that you be returning to school the following quarter/semester to work towards completing your degree
Must be attending a College or University in North America
Team player with the ability to work effectively and efficiently with others
Understanding of object-oriented programming/design, algorithms, and data structures and how to efficiently implement them into a solution
Strong understanding of CS fundamentals and how to apply them to code
Preferred Qualifications:
Coursework in SQL and relational database concepts
Strong competency in java, javascript and associated frameworks
Working knowledge of HTML and web technologies
General knowledge of front end and back end languages
Strong communicator, able to convey complex ideas through writing, using diagrams and verbally
Strong analytical and problem-solving skills
Commitment to putting quality first and delivering quality solutions
Be a self-starter and possess a strong sense of self-motivation
Ability to quickly learn new technologies
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