【PTE写作】SWT最新真题解析 & 复习方法

【PTE写作】SWT最新真题解析 & 复习方法




今天黄老师来分享一下PTE写作小作文Summarize Written Text的的本月高频难题答案。

首先,SWT机经的命中率飘忽不定,同学们不要把所有的希望都寄托在原题上,还是需要扎扎实实的练习文章抓重点 + 长难句模板的能力。





1. 概况时可以直接写文章原句无需更改,但是绝对不能随便选句子合并,也切忌文章首位中选3句话合并,我们需要根据文章主旨挑出重点句。

2. 合并句子时也切忌无脑and连接,答案需要符合原文逻辑 + 语法正确。

- 符合原文逻辑意味着不能无脑并列逻辑。

- 语法正确意味着不能无脑同类语法叠加(e.g. 一路end/while到底)

所以,同学们在理解了这两点的情况下,来看看黄老师的概况思路是什么样的吧!(答案收录于《雅培英语PTE满分答案解析 - 9月版》)



77. Animals and Human

All non-human animals are constrained by the tools that nature has bequeathed them through natural selection. They are not capable of striving towards truth; they simply absorb information, and behave in ways useful for their survival. The kinds of knowledge they require of the world have been largely pre-selected by evolution. No animal is capable of asking questions or generating problems that are irrelevant to its immediate circumstances or its evolutionarily designed needs. When a beaver builds a dam, it doesn't ask itself why it does so or whether there is a better way of doing it. When a swallow flies south, it doesn't wonder why it is hotter in Africa or what would happen if it flew still further south. 

Humans do ask themselves these and many other kinds of questions, questions that have no relevance, indeed make little sense, in the context of evolved needs and goals. What marks out humans is our capacity to go beyond our naturally defined goals such as the need to find food, shelter or a mate and to establish human created goals.


All non-human animals are constrained by the tools that nature has bequeathed them through natural selection while no animal is capable of asking questions or generating problems that are irrelevant to its immediate circumstances or its evolutionarily designed needs, but humans do ask themselves questions that have no relevance in the context of evolved needs and goals while what marks out humans is our capacity to go beyond our naturally defined goals.



59. Fallow

With a good system of crop rotation, and especially with the addition of any sort of fertilizer you may be able to come up with, it’s possible to grow crops on a plot of land for upwards of 2 – 3 years at a time with good results. Ultimately, though, you must let the land rest if you hope to continue farming there in the long-run. Allowing a plot of land to rest for a period of time is known as letting the field go fallow, and there are several reasons for this. Allowing a field or plot to lie fallow means that you don’t grow anything new on it, don’t harvest anything and don’t graze any animals on the land for at least a year. Sometimes a field will lay fallow for two, three or even four years, but the traditional standard on many farms was to let a field lie fallow once every 2 – 3 years. This fallow period allows the land to replenish many of its nutrients. The root networks of various grasses or ground covers (like clover) have a chance to expand and grow, which further strengthens the soil and protects it from erosion. During the fallow period, there are many beneficial flora and micro-fauna, including cyanobacteria, which live in the soil. These microorganisms continue to be active at the root level, steadily improving the quality of the soil so that when you come back in a year or two, you can begin planting food or cash crops anew.


Allowing a plot of land to rest for a period of time is known as letting the field go fallow because this fallow period allows the land to replenish many of its nutrients, so when you come back in a year or two, you can begin planting food or cash crops anew.



61. Reviewing by Reading Aloud

It might seem a little eccentric but reviewing your work by reading it aloud can help to identify the woolliest areas. This works best if you perform your reading in a theatrical way, pausing at the commas and ends of sentences. If you run out of breath during a sentence, it is probably too long. You ought to be able to convert your writing into a speech in this way if it sounds too stilted and convoluted, perhaps you could rework these parts until they sound fluid. It is unlikely that your reader will be fooled by the idea that long words make you sound clever. Cluttering a sentence with too many complicated words can prevent its meaning from being understood at all. A short word is always preferable to a long one. Why should anyone choose the word erroneous over the word wrong in an essay? Usually, writers who employ more obscure words are trying to sound impressive but can appear pretentious. Direct words enable you to control what you are saying, and are not necessarily babyish, but the most appropriate ones for the job. When you read your writing aloud, you will notice that the key stress comes at the end of your sentence. It is, therefore, most effective to end with a short and emphatic word to secure our point. Try to resist the impulse to waffle at the end of your sentence by trailing off into qualifying clauses. It might be worth relocating the clause to the beginning of the sentence or losing it altogether if you feel that it adds little to its meaning. Your sentences might be the most grammatically perfect in the world, but still, cause your writing to sound wrong if you have misjudged its tone. A colloquial style, which uses slang and exclamations, is an inappropriately chatty tone for an essay. However, style can be equally jarring if your vocabulary is too formal or ambitious for its context. It is much more impressive to make complicated points using simple language and grammar


You can review your work by reading it aloud to avoid a sentence being too long and long words while it is most effective to end with a short and emphatic word to secure our point, and it might be worth relocating the clause to the beginning of the sentence or losing it altogether whereas a misjudged tone can cause your writing to sound wrong.





带出雅思/PTE 高分/满分学员无数

拥有11年雅思和逾5年PTE教学经验,详细把握整个英语能力测试体系 ,无论是雅思还是PTE 都能准确的抓住学生能力与技巧上的弱点,对症下药不仅让学生快速通过考试,同时也得到长足的英语水平进步。



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电话:0402 187 061 黄老师

地址:Suite 1103, 530 Little Collins St Melbourne 3000



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