领先咨询|Willis Towers Watson 2024 Graduate Program已开启

领先咨询|Willis Towers Watson 2024 Graduate Program已开启




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Willis Towers Watson


韦莱韬悦(Willis Towers Watson)初创于1828年,总部设在伦敦,是一家全球领先的咨询、经纪和解决方案公司,帮助全世界的客户将风险转化为增长之路。韦莱韬悦拥有46,000多名员工,为140多个国家/地区的客户提供服务。

招聘要求 …

  • 放职位:2024 Employee Experience Consulting Graduate Programme

  • 工作地点:London

  • 截止时间:Ongoing

岗位详情 …

  • Supporting senior colleagues with the development of communication strategies and materials designed to grab the attention of employees, build engagement and drive desired changes in employee behaviour.

  • Planning key change management activities and milestones for major projects, including organisational design/restructuring and HR transformation.
  • Developing insights related to employee experience risks and impacts and ensuring these are integrated into consulting activity across the employee experience spectrum.
  • Supporting the design and set-up of employee listening strategies and surveys, as well as translations, printing / on-line set-up, distribution and return of materials.
  • Working independently to draft and create communications, across print and digital, translating complex concepts into clear, compelling, innovative and engaging content.
  • Executing the delivery of communication campaigns across a range of subject areas (pension, rewards and benefits, wellbeing, career management etc.) and measuring success through key analytics.

招聘对象 …

Minimum 2:1 degree in a related discipline – humanities, marketing, and communication may be advantageous; or comparable education or work experience.

You should be able to demonstrate your excellent writing and communication skills as well as good problem-solving and analytical skills, as you will be interacting with clients from the beginning.

We are looking for individuals who possess the following skills:

  • Flexible and adaptable

  • Strong influencing and decision-making skills

  • Professional attitude keen to develop and build relationships with stakeholders

  • Ability to get things organised

  • Able to evidence a strong work ethic

  • Experienced in working with a high level of trust and integrity

  • Demonstrates common sense and can work on their own initiative as well as part of a team, with a willingness to work for the benefit of the team as a whole.

  • Must demonstrate a high level of accuracy in all tasks, strong attention to detail, analytical, meticulous and efficient whilst under pressure

  • Excellent writing and communication skills

  • Aptitude to learn new skills


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筑梦求职 INTERNATIONAL IDEAL ,2014 年成立于美国,是北美最早成立的留学生求职咨询平台之一。我们是宁波人才服务中心战略合作伙伴,并荣登福布斯全球华人精英TOP100及胡润百富创业领袖榜单,至今已帮助 8000+ 学员获得来自 Goldman Sachs, McKinsey, Deloitte, P&G  等企业 offers。我们的服务包括:求职咨询、背景提升、名企内推、海内外招聘等;商务合作请联系:[email protected]

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